Lecture 21: Immunology Flashcards
what is immunology
Branch of biomedical science that deals with the study of the immune system
what does immunology include
-Cell-mediated immunity
-Humoral immunity
-Immune responses
what is immunity and its two intrinsic systems
-Ability to resist a particular disease and infection
-Immune system consist of two intrinsic systems: innate & adaptive
what is innate immunity
innate (nonspecific resistance) defense system (immunity)
-Constitutes first and second lines of defense
-First line of defense: external body membranes (skin and mucosae)
-Second line of defense: antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, and other cells (inhibit spread of invaders; inflammation most important mechanism)
what is adaptive immunity
adaptive (specific immunity) defense system (immunity)
-Third line of defense: attacks particular foreign substances (takes longer to react than innate)
-Involves activation of specific lymphocytes that combat a particular pathogen or other foreign substance
-Adjusts to fight against specific microbes
describe the immune system
-Immune system is a functional system rather than organ system
-Innate and adaptive defenses are intertwined:
*Both release and recognize many of the same defensive molecules
*Innate responses release proteins that alert cells of adaptive system to foreign molecules
*Innate defenses do have specific pathways for certain substances
innate immunity and the immune system
-a variety of responses that protect the body against invasion by a wide variety of pathogens and thier toxins
-two lines of denfense: 1. skin and mucous membranes. 2. internal defenses (phagocytes, natural killer cells, inflammation, antimicrobial protains, fever)
how does intact skin epidermis impact immunity
forms mechanical barrier that prevents entry of pathogens and toher harmful substances into body
(has acid mantle on skin & keratin)
how does acid mantle of skin impact immunity
skin secretions (sweat & sebum) make epidermal surface acidic, which inhibits bacterial growth; also contain various bactericidal chemicals
how does keratin impact immunity
provides resistance against acids, alkalis, and bacterial enzymes
how does intact mucous membranes impact immunity
form mechanical barrier that prevents entry of pathogens
(has mucus, nasal hairs, cilia, gastric juice, acid mantle of vagina, lacrimal secretion (tears), saliva, urine)
how does mucus impact immunity
traps microorganisms in respiratory and digestive tracts
how do nasal hairs impact immunity
filter and trap microorganisms in nasal passages
how does cilia impact immunity
propel debris-laden mucus away from nasal cavity and lower respiratory passages
how does gastric juice impact immunity
contains concentrated hydochloric acid and protein-digesting enzymes that destroy pathogens in stomach
how does acid mantle of vagina impact immunity
inhibits growth of most bacteria and fungi
how does lacrimal secretion (sweat) and saliva impact immunity
continuously lubricate and cleanse eyes (tears) and oral cavity (saliva); contain lysozyme and enzyme that destroys microorganisms
how does urine impact immunity
normally acid pH inhibits bacterial growth; cleanses the lower urinary tract as it flushes from the body
how does sebum impact immunity (chemical factor)
forms protective acidic film over skin surface that inhibits growth of many microorganisms
how does lysozyme impact immunity (chemical factor)
antimicrobial substance in perspiration, tears, saliva, nasal secretions, and tissue fluids