Lecture 2.1 - Igneous Rocks Flashcards
Definition of a rock
Collection of commonly associated minerals and/or mineraloids
Steps in naming a rock (I, II, III)
Origin, composition, texture
- when giving origin, must include sub-division (ex: igneous intrusive)
What is MSShOP
M - Minerals, chemistry, materials,
S- Size
Sh - Shape
O - Orientation
P - packing
Characteristics of mafic rocks
- rich in Mg and Fe
- black/gray color
Characteristics of Felsic rocks
- rich in feldspar and Si
- light color
Characteristics of ultramafic rocks
- super rich in Mg
- green color
Larger visible grains
How can you distinguish an intrusive igneous rock from an extrusive igneous rock?
If the rock is Phaneritic
Igneous intrusive + Felsic + Phaneritic
Igneous intrusive + mafic + Phaneritic
Igneous Extrusive + mafic +aphanitic + few vesicle
Igneous extrusive + Felsic + aphanitic
Define aphanitic
No visible grains
Define groundmass
Space between two crystals
- due to crystals forming million years ago then ruptured out onto surface where it cooled off rapidly = different sizes of crystals
Define vesicle
Hole in the rock that used to be a gas bubble in the magma
Define frothy
When vesicles meet
Define porphyritic
Two different grain sizes
Felsic + Frothy
Mafic + frothy
Igneous intrusive + Ultramafic + Phaneritic
Glassy (any composition)