Lecture 21 Flashcards
Marriages vs domestic partnerships
1) Not on equal footing
2) Common law provides little or no protection
3) Contract to regulate the relationship
Marriage vs domestic partnerships
* Differences
- Formalities
- Reciprocal duty of support
- Relationship
- Patrimonial consequences
- Intestate succession
- Maintenance after death
Gory v Kolver
- Intestate Succession Act
- Interpretation of “spouse”
- Reciprocal duty of support
- Same-sex partners
Current legal position
1) Fragmented and inconsistent protection
2) Development of recognition and protection: different positions relating
to opposite-sex and same-sex relationships
3) Ad hoc recognition of domestic partnerships
4) Specific statutes
Laubscher NO v Duplan and Another
Intestate succession
* Same-sex partners
* Interplay between Gory v Kolver and the Civil Union Act
* Merely an interim measure?
* Role of the legislature
* Confirmed the legal position
Bwanya v The Master and Others 2022
1) Intestate Succession Act and the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act
unconstitutional to the extent that they did not include life partners
within the definition of ‘spouse’ and ‘survivor’.
2) Reciprocal duties of support
3) No longer difference between heterosexual and same-sex couples in a
life partnership in relation to intestate succession and maintenance
4) Court overturned Volks v Robinson
Volks NO v Robinson
Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act
* Interpretation of “spouse”
* Opposite-sex couple
* Choice argument
* Criticism
* Minority judgment
Draft Domestic Partnership Bill
1) SALRC Report on Domestic Partnerships (2006)
2) Draft Domestic Partnerships Bill (2008)
3) Registered vs unregistered partnerships