Lecture 20 11/19/24 Flashcards
What are the components of brachycephalic syndrome?
-elongated soft palate
-stenotic nares
-everted laryngeal saccules
-hypoplastic trachea
What are brachycephalic dogs prone to?
-respiratory complications
-aspiration pneumonia
-hypertrophic gastropathy
-gastroduodenal inflammation
What are the anesthetic concerns with brachycephalics?
-upper airway redundant soft tissue relaxation
-stenotic upper airway/hypoplastic trachea
-smaller/collapsed trachea
-higher resistance to airflow
-prone to vagal response
-subclinical aspiration pneumonia
What are the preanesthetic planning steps for brachycephalic dogs?
-physical exam
-chest x-ray
-avoid stress and strenuous physical restraint
-avoid heavy sedation without intubation
What are the characteristics of anticholinergics as premeds?
-prevent bradycardia
-decrease GI and resp. secretions
Which premeds are used in brachycephalics in addition to anticholinergics?
What are the considerations that should be accounted for when inducing a brachycephalic?
-pre-oxygenate first
-have smaller than usual ET tubes available
-use ketamine/benzos or propofol/benzos
How should anesthesia be maintained in brachycephalics?
Which local/regional anesthesia techniques are used in brachycephalics?
-line/field block
-nerve block
Which monitoring is most important for brachycephalics?
cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring
What are the characteristics of recovery for brachycephalics?
-delayed extubation
-sternal positioning
-heliox (He + O2) has less resistance to flow
-continue with O2 support and pain control
What are the characteristics of gastric dilation volvulus?
-serious and potentially fatal
-distention and twisting
-unproductive retching
-pH imbalances
What are the respiratory effects of GDV?
-impaired uptake of inhalational anesthetics
What are the cardiovascular effects of GDV?
-occlusion of caudal vena cava
-reduction in venous return
-less cardiac output
-less tissue perfusion
-anaerobic respiration
What are the preanesthetic planning considerations for GDV patients?
-extensive homeostatic stabilization
-sternal positioning
-intensive oxygenation
-emergency decompression (stomach tube, percutaneous)
-intensive fluid therapy
Which drugs are used for GDV premedication and induction?
-drugs with minimal CV and resp effects
-opioids given slowly via IV
-ketamine/alfaxalone/etomidate/fentanyl combined with a benzo
Why is lidocaine used for PIVA in GDV cases?
-ROS scavenger
In addition to PIVA, how else should anesthesia be maintained/supported for GDV patients?
-assisted ventilation
-inotropic support