Lecture 2 - Telling the time Flashcards
Nature as a time measure
Sunrise to sunset, the shifting season, the solar year
Natural landscape
sun and landscape are the seasonal clock, for exampe the Pnyx hill in Athens.
Human landscape
some buildings may have deliberate orientations. For example the Parthenon.
The Stars
sidereal star year is approx. one solar year. The time taken for the sun to travel the band of the stars.
The Lunar cycle
a lunar month is about 29.5 days, however the lunar year does not fit in with the solar year.
Roman civic calendar
superstition meant the Romans avoided even numbers, calendars can be out of sync with the solar year. Inter-calary months added but often for political motives.
Religion and agriculture
keeping the months in sync was important for this.
Instruments of measurement
Sun clocks and sundials came from Babylonia according to Herodotus.
At night - Ctesibius (288-222)
He invented a device to produce a uniform flow.
Smaller divisions
Hero of Alexandria measured rate of water flows by sundial. Romans had a greater interest in timetabling but don’t have language to specify smaller than an hour.
Dividing the Roman day
Accensus announces 3rd, 6th, 9th hours. 6th hour measured by using buildings around the senate.
Antikythera mechanism is a mass of bronze plates wielded together. It correlated movements of the sun and moon against signs of the zodiac.
Down to earth
watch the stars for sowing times and other agricultural tasks.
Canonical hours
Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline