Lecture 2: Physical Exam Flashcards
What is being tested in AROM
Contractile tissue
Nervous tissue
Inert tissue (lig, bones, etc)
What does the Beighton score for hypermobility test
Digiti minimi extension
Thumb hyperflexion
elbow hyper extension
Lumbar spine (bending over to touch your toes)
What is the max score for the beighton tests
What are abnormal end feels
Muscle spasm (early or late)
Capsular (hard or soft)
Bone to bone
Empty (pain)
Springy block
What causes non capsular patterns
Internal derangement
Extra-articular lesions
Constant length
Postural = ______
Tight, hypertonic/facilitated
Phasic = ____
weak, inhibited
What occurs in upper crossed syndrome
- Deep cervical flexors, lower trap/serratus anterior
- SCM/pectoralis, Upper trap/levator scap
What occurs in lower crossed syndrome
Inhibited: Abdominals, glut min/med/max
Facilitated: Rectus femoris/illiopsoas, thoracolumbar extensors
what are normal end feels
bone to bone
soft tissue approximation
tissue stretch
Elbow extension would be what type of end feel
bone to bone
Which joints have capsular patterns
Only synovial joints
What is the capsular pattern for the GH joint
Ext, Abduction, internal rotation
What is an example of internal derangement
Meniscus tear
What is an example of extra-articular lesions
What is an example of constant legnth
SLR for lumbar disc lesion
What type of testing is resisted ROM
Isometric testing
What does resisted ROM test?
Contractile tissue (muscle, tendon, attachments, nervous tissue)
How long should myotome testing be held for?
5 seconds
What is a 5 for MMT grading
Complete range of motion against gravity with maximal resistance
What is a 4 in MMT grading
Complete range of motion against gravity with some (moderate) resistance
what is a 3+ in the MMT grading
Complete range of motion against gravity with minimal resistance
What is a 3 in MMT grading
Complete range of motion against gravity
What is a 3- in MMT grading
Some but not complete range of motion against gravity
What is a 2+ in MMT grading
Initiates motion against gravity
What is a 2 in MMT grading
Complete range of motion with gravity eliminated
What is a 2-in MMT grading
Initiates motion if gravity is eliminated
What is a 1 in MMT grading
Evidence of slight contractility but no joint motion
T/F Special tests can be used alone to diagnose an injury
T/F If a special test is negative then an injury can be ruled out
What are 4 considerations for special tests
- Patient’s ability to relax
- Presence of pain
- Patient apprehension
- Clinician skill
Define reliability
The consistency of a measure/tool over time
Define validity
The ability of a test to measure what it says is measured
Define sensitivity
The ability of a tool to be positive when the condition/disease/injury is present
Define specificity
The ability of a tool to be negative when the condition/disease/injury is not present
Define responsiveness
The ability of a tool to detect change over time
What are the reflex grades
0- Absent
1- Diminished
2- Average
3- Exaggerated
4- Clonus
Movement you can see
Movement you can feel
What is the convex-concave rule when the convex is fixed and concave is moving?
They (concave) glide and roll in the same direction
What is the convex-concave rule when convex is moving and concave is fixed?
Glide and roll are in opposite direction
What is the maitland’s grades
5= manipulation ex chiropractors
What is the kaltenborn’s grades of traction
1-2 (point of limitation)
3 anatomical end ROM