Lecture 2: Osteoporosis Flashcards
→ loss + damage of articular cartilage wear down over time
→ new bone formation of joint margins - pathophysiological
Osteoarthritis: Risk Factors
→ increased age
→ joint trauma, long term mechanical stress (i.e. high performer)
→ obesity (sig load on joints over a long term period)
Characteristics of Osteoarthritis
→ local areas of damage + loss of articular cartilage
→ subchondrial bone changes
→ variable degrees of mild synovitis + thickening of the joint capsule
Manifestations of Osteoarthritis
→ pain (worsens w/ activity) → enlargement of joint → stiffness (diminishes w/ activity) → tenderness limited motion → muscle wasting, partial dislocation, deformity
Conservative treatment of osteoarthritis
→ exercise + weight loss (in cases of obese adults)
→ pharmacological therapies (Analgesics and anti-inflammatories)
→ nutritional supplements
Surgical Treatment of Osteoarthritis
→ is used to improve joint movement, correct deformity, or malalignment, or create a new joint w/ artificial implants
Rheumatoid Arthritis
→ inflammatory autoimmune disease
→ systematic autoimmune damage to connective tissue, primarily in the joints (synovial membrane)
→ similar symptoms to osteoarthritis
→ multifactorial with strong genetic deposition
→ prevalence: any age
3 Processes of pathogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis
→ neutrophils and other cells in the synovial fluid becomes activated
→ inflammatory cytokines
→ t-cells also interact with synovial fibroblasts through, TNF alpha, converting synovium into a thick abnormal layer of granulation tissue (panes)
Insidious Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis
→ systematic manifestations
→ painful, tender stiff joints),
→ joint deformities
→ inflammation, fever, fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, generalized aching + stiffness
→ rheumatoid nodules (chaplains syndrome)
Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis
→ pannus - harder in terms of structural integrity (fibrous)
→ deeper layer - softer in nature - synovium
→ outer layer - where additional tissue can bind on + lead to additional tissue and deformity
MSK Injuries: Fractures
break in the continuity of bone (most serious MSK disease) - incompletely or completely fractured
MSK Injuries: stress fracture
common in athletes; normal or abnormal bone tissue > sudden increase in mechanical stress to the bone
MSK Injuries: Fatigue
normal bone is subjected to abnormal stress; acute injury
MSK Injuries: Insufficiency Fracture
normal weight bearing, very low level of activity (sitting upright or walking) - individual is frail/have abnormal bone structure
Healing Fractures: Direct
→ most often occur when surgical fixation is used to repair broken bone
→ intramembranous bone formation
Healing Fractures: Indirect
→ cast or other non-surgical method
→ intramembranous + endochondrial bone formation
→ callus formation
→ remodelling of solid bone
→ displacement of one or more bones in a joint
→ loss of contact b/w articular cartilage
→ causes implications for surrounding structures
→ contact b/w articular surfaces is only partially lost
→ partial lost of articulating surfaces
→ associated with fractures, muscle imbalance, rheumatoid arthritis, or other forms of joint instability
Stages of Bone Healing
- hematoma formation occurs (bleeding present at both bones - transverse fracture)
- hematoma becomes more organized (structured with a fibrous network that is arranging to help with bone healing)
- first step where the osteoblasts start to invade + both collagen (strands start to lengthen) & calcium (deposits are made at the site) start to play a role
- callus formation of tissue (new bone is made, old bone is destroyed)
- bone goes back to looking normal (callus is removed & replaced - normal bone is deposited)
Manifestations of Fractures
→ unnatural alignment swelling, muscle swelling, spasm, tenderness, pain, impaired sensation
→ often transient numbers due to nerve trauma
Treatment of Fractures
→ immobilization
→ closed manipulation, traction + open reduction
→ internal + external fixation (casts)