Lecture 2 - Methods Flashcards
Ideas about what is good and bad, right and wrong
Looking at the world from a particular perspective that shapes what you experience.
Tools or approaches used to collect, generate, or collate data
Philosophy of research used to collect data
Quantative research
Research that involves things that can be measured and counted
Goal: To produce generalizable results about a population
Methods for quantitative research
Surveys/Polls - face-face, telephone interviews, online, or in a paper-and-pencil format
- self-administrated questionnaires
- researcher-administrated questionnaires
Qualitative research
Non-numerical methods of examining of social life
Goal: understanding, exploration, experiences, interpretation
Method for qualitative research
- structured interviews: follow carefully crafted protocols to acquire the respondent’s view on predetermined subjects
- unstructured and semi-structured interviews: employ loose, open-ended formats, allowing respondents to speak their minds
Mixed methods research
Has both a qualitative and quantitive aspect to its research. Combines the strengths of different data collection and analysis.
List of possible research methods
- Surveys/polls
- interviews
- field research - observation of participants in their natural setting
- Participant observation
- Ethnography - longer time frame than other methods
- participatory action research (PAR) - participants collaborate in the research and provide input into the data (most suitable method for oppressed communities or social groups)
- secondary data analysis - analysis and interpretation of existing data
Reading: Yekcoh’s ritual
It emphasizes the importance of observation, understanding, and respect for cultural diversity.
- makes readers reflect on their perceptions of cultural norms
- underscores the value of seeking out and appreciating the unique practices and rituals that contribute to the social fabric of diverse communities