Lecture 2 Mechanism of Penicillin / Endocartitis Flashcards
How does penicillin work?
Penicillin works on the cells wall of the bacteria. it degrades the cell wall.
what is the main component of the bacterial wall?
Peptiglycan. Peptigylcan is repeated sugars: Nam and Nag
what maintains the 3D structure of the bacterial cell wall?
The 3D structure is maintained by cross-link that give structural integerity to the cell wall.
how are these cross-linking preformed?
Peptides hanging off the NAMS because the 5th peptide is cleaved when a transpeptidase enzyme forms a link between the peptide chains hanging off the NAMS.
How does the penicillin work on the cell wall of the bacteria?
Penicillin binds to transpeptidase and prevents peptides cross-linking. Hence, it breaks down the bacterial cell wall by inhibiting the 3D structural integrity and everytime the cell wall breaks down, it cannot not use transpeptidase to repair → bacteria dies
what is the Hypothesis of Autolysin?
The bacteria uses it’s last attempt to repair cell wall when it is badly damaged.
what are Beta-Lactams?
B-lactams refers to any antibiotics that has the garage ring structure to inhibit transpeptidase to kill bacteria.
what is the percentage of S.aureus that are not sensitive to penicillin?
What are the derivative of Beta-lactam?
B-Lactam antibiotics include all penicillin derivatives, cephalosporins, carbapenems, and monobactam but comes from different organism.
Which penicillin is more resistance of stomach acid? and why ?
Penicillin V — with added Oxide group makes the penicillin more resistant to stomach acid.
What penicillin is not resistant to stomach acid? and how is it given?
Penicillin G is a form of penicillin we give intraveously because it can be degraded by the stomach acid if given orally.
Why is only 10% of s. aureus resistant to penicillin?
- S. aureus has an enzyme that that breaks down and hydrolysis the b-lactam ring.
- Enzyme is called penicillinase, this enzyme functions to digest penicillin.
Why is Flucoxacillin used as an antibiotics for S. Pyogenes and S. aureus instead?
- Flucoxacillin also have the same structure as beta-lactum, but it has a different side change that makes it more complicated. The side actually swings around and make an interaction with the beta-lactum ring. It prevents S.aureus beta-lactumase/penicillinase getting access to the beta-lactum ring and hydrolyse it.
- So Flucoxacillin is a Anti Staphylococcal / penicillin antibiotics, also known as beta-lactumase stable antibiotic.
- MRSA could be thought as FRSA (Flucoxacillin Resistence Staph.Aureus) FRSA have changed the transpepdiase enzyme such as the penicillin or any drug will not bind at all. Causing NO Beta-lactum drug to bind.
what is endocarditis?
Inflammation on heart valves or other cardiac structures for example ventricular septal defects) almost always caused by bacterial infection.
what organism cause endocarditis?
Common caused by S.Aureus and Commonly caused by Strephycoccus germs like S.pyogenes.