Lecture 2 - Maternal And Child Health Flashcards
How many weeks is th average pregnancy?
40 weeks
How is the pregnancy period devided?
3 trimesters
1 = rapid developmetn of organs
2 = growth
What is the postnatal period?
Period after childbirth has taken place
What is maternal health?
The health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period
What is maternal mortality ratio?
All maternal deaths occurring within. A reference period / total number of live births occurring within the reference period
What is the pros of using maternal mortality ration in assessing maternal health?
Good indication of general population health plus status of women
Methods to get around missing data
What are the cons of using maternal mortality ratio in assesing maternal health?
Doesn’t include all pregnancies in demoniatotr
Difficult to get all data required
Does it detail causes of mortality
Can be difficult to interpret change in countries where maternal morality is rare
What is maternal death?
Death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of the pregnancy excluding accidental or incidental causes
What is the definition of late maternal death?
Indirect to direct causes > 42 days but < 1 year post pregnancy
Why do people often. Experience health issues that are avoidable/
Delay in seeking health care for a. Variety of reasons
What causes inequality in healthcare?
Multi factorial
Areas of deprivation
English not first language
Not understanding system
Unconscious biases
When do the majority of neonatal deaths occur?
First 24hrs of life
How can we reduce neonatal mortality?
Safer birth techniques
Resus training and equipment
Challenging tradiation practices that increase unnecessary risk
What is the definiation for neonatal mortality rate?
Number of deaths in the first 28 days of life per 1000 live births
What is the definition of premature birth?
Delivery before 38 weeks
What are the risk factors for premature delivery?
Intrauterinegrowth restriction (small baby)
Womb infection
Waters breaking early (polyhydramnios)
Cervical or uterine abnormatlityes
Lifestyle factors (smoking, illicit drug use)
Multiple pregnancy
Diabetes in pregnancy
What is the meaning of equity in context of fmother and child health?
All mothers and babies will achieve health outcomes that are as good as the groups with the best health outcomes
Everyone is helped proportionately so all reach goal