Lecture 2: Key issues in public health, evidence base for inequalities Flashcards
When was the first public health act?
What was the black report?
An expert committee report on health inequality got DoH
- main causes of inequalities was economic inequality
- overall health improving since introduction welfare state
- Whitehead Report 1987 and Acheson Report 1998
What was the Marmot review?
Fair society Healthy lives
review of the social determinants of health and health divide in the WHO European region
What is the Marmot review show?
Health inequalities:
- are inevitable or imutable
- result from social inequalities
- reduction is vital to economy
that health inequalities are largely preventable
Focusing solely on most disadvantages will not be sufficient – need ‘proportionate universalism’
The commission on social determinants of health
Three principles of action:
- rove the conditions of daily life
- Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources
- Measure problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the social determinants of health and raise public awareness about them
What are the time frames for looking at long term effects n adult disease risk when taking a life course approach? What 3 areas does it study?
Gestation Childhood Adolescence Young adulthood Later adult life
Biological, Behavioural, Psychosocial pathways
What is the asset approach?
a glass half full - recognising the gifts of others and putting these to action, building communities
What are Ferdinand Mounts five types of inequalities?
POLITICAL – equal rights to health and healthcare
LIFE OUTCOMES – equal quality of health
OPPORTUNITY – equal access to health and healthcare
TREATMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY – equal quality of healthcare
PARTICIPATION – equal consideration in healthcare decisions
What did the black report show?
lower socio-economic health status results in poor health
3 explanations of health inequality un society?
individual deficit
psychosocial stress