Lecture 2 - Exam 1 Flashcards
What is soil?
Soil is the unconsolidated, thin, variable layer of mineral and organic material that covers most of the Earth’s land surface. It’s usually biologically active. Particle size is smaller than 2mm (any particle larger is not considered soil).
If there is no life, can we consider it soil?
What are the components of soil?
Half occupied by soil solids, and the other half is pore space.
The solid space is made up of 45% mineral and 5% organic material. The pore space is made up of 20-30% air and 20-30% water.
What are the three phases that soil can be in?
Solid, liquid, and gas. All three are represented in the pi chart that shows the components of the soil.
Soil solids: Mineral fraction. What are the two kinds of minerals, what is the soil particle size, and what is the soil texture?
Primary and secondary minerals. Primary minerals are present in rock, and are unweathered & once it ends up in the soil it stays the same. Ex: Sand
Secondary minerals undergo the weathering process, they change into clay minerals during weathering. Ex: types of clays.
Soil particle size:
Sand : 2 - 0.05 mm
Silt : 0.05 - 0.002 mm
Clay : < 0.002 mm
Soil texture: relative portions of different size particles determines soil texture.
What are the soil textures?
If there is 80% silt in the soil, then that particular soil has a silt texture. If there is 85% sand in the soil, then that particular soil has texture of sand. If the soil has 40% clay particle in it, then the soil texture class is clay. Clay influences the texture more.
Soil solids: Organic fraction.
Carbon makes up 58% of soil organic matter (SOM).
Organic C content = 58% x organic matter content
Organic matter content = 1.724
Soil solids: Charges of soil particles.
Type: Negative charge (that’s why they can contain nutrients - cations)
Sources: Isomorphous substitution, broken edge of clay minerals, and organic matter (R-COOH).
There is CEC and AEC. CEC: cation exchange capacity
AEC: anion exchange capacity
Is it possible for soil to carry a net positive charge?
Yes. It would be in acidic soils like in the tropics where aluminum and elemental oxide is present. They retain a lot of anions instead of cations.
Soil Solids : What is particle and bulk denisty?
Particle density: dry mass of soil per unit volume of soil solids
Bulk density: dry mass of soil per unit bulk volume of a soil. (takes into account both solids and pores) It is always lower than particle density.
Soil water is important for…?
In terms of oxygen in the soil, soil pH, and concentrations of soil solutions (& chemical reactions in general)
Soil Water: Soil water content.
Mass water content and Volumetric water content.
Soil water content: Mass water content.
Thetam = mass of water/soil dry mass.
Soil water content: Volumetric water content.
Theta = water vol./dry soil vol
Theta = thetam x bulk density
(NOTE: thetam is just theta of mass water content)
Soil Water: Soil water potential.
Relative energy level of water in a given amount of soil, indicate tendency of soil water to move, soil water potential is positively related to theta, and units are kilopascal (or bar)
NOTE: 1kPa = 0.01 bar
Soil water moves from ______ potential to ______ potential.
High ; low
When the soil is dry, the soil potential is usually…?
When the soil is saturated (like standing water), then the soil potential is usually…?
Soil Water: Water held on soil particles and availability: What are the three different types of water that are possible in the soil?
Hygroscopic water, capillary water, gravitational water.
What is Hygroscopic water?
Thin layer of water and this layer of water interacts with the soil particles through adhesion force.
Water potential is < -31 bar
What is Capillary water?
This water does not interact directly with soil particles, they interact with each other via hydrogen bonding (or cohesion force). Part of the capillary water is available for the plant and microbes to use.
Water potential is -31 bar < potential < -0.33 bar
T or F. Microbes cannot extract more water from the soil than plants.
False. They can!
What is Gravitational water?
Outer layer that does not stay in the soil for long periods. When it rains and the soil pores are saturated, and the soil water moves down to the lower soil profile, that is gravitational water.
Note: Dry soil will have low potential.
What is the optimal water potential for microbial activity?
-0.1 bar (-10 kPa), which is at field capacity
What is the water potential range for field capacity? What is field capacity?
-0.1 - -0.3 bar (-10 - -30 kPa)
Field capacity is the amount of water held by the soil about 24 hours after it rains.
What is the permanent wilting point for water potential?
-15 bar (-1500 kPa)