This class was created by Brainscape user Madeline Moore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Lecture 1 - Exam 1
What is soil microbiology,
What is soil microbial ecology,
What are the two questions we try...
38  cards
Lecture 2 - Exam 1
What is soil,
If there is no life can we consid...,
What are the components of soil
65  cards
Lecture 3 - Exam 1
What are the two types of cell me...,
What are the classes of organisms...,
What is the difference between ch...
63  cards
Lecture 4 - Exam 2 : Organisms in the Soil
What are some examples of fruitin...,
Describe the morphology of fungi,
What are the different types of f...
68  cards
Lecture 5 - Exam 2: Occurrence and Distribution of Soil Microorganisms
Discuss the disintegration of the...,
What are the dispersal mechanisms...,
Are there regional differences wh...
30  cards
Lecture 6 - Exam 2: Interactions Among Microbial Populations
What are positive versus negative...,
Interactions among microbial popu...,
Describe the effect of interactio...
32  cards
Lecture 7 - Exam 2: Methods For Studying Soil Microorganisms
What are the methods we use to st...,
For the method of cell numbers wh...,
Before we can use direct microsco...
40  cards
Exam 3 - Nitrogen Cycle
What is the most limiting nutrien...,
N inputs where the soil gets its ...,
N losseswhere the soil loses nitr...
37  cards
N Cycle Exam 4 - Final Exam
What causes the inactivation of n...,
What is the ratio of bound o2 to ...,
How do aerobic bacteria protect n...
40  cards
Biodegradation and Bioremediation Exam 4 - Final Exam
What are the processes that contr...,
Abiotic degradation vs microbial ...,
What is biodegradation
13  cards

More about
soil microbiology

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