Lecture 2: Design school Flashcards
What are different components of strategy?
- Plan = consciously intended direction, guide, or course of action to move from present state to a (desired/imagined) future state)
- Ploy = a maneuver to outwit an opponent
- Pattern = recognizable similar actions that emerge (intended or unintended over time)
- Position = the organizatuon’s location in the imaginary landscape of the competitive environment
- Perspective = The interpretation of managers of the organization and its environment
What is the main objective of the design school?
Alignment/fit between what the organization can do and the environment
Who is the strategist of the design school?
CEO/head or organization
What are the tasks of the strategist in the design school?
- Gather information
- Analyse information
- Organize information
- Formulate strategy
What is the design school process?
- Analysis
- SWOT analysis - Internal (strengths & weaknesses)& external (treaths & opportunities) - Formulation Creation & Evaluation
- Social responsibility
- Managerial values - Implementation
What are the characteristics of the design school?
- Strategy formation as a deliberate process of conscious thought
- One person develops strategy; CEO/head of organization
- Process of strategy formation should be simple and informal
- Strategies should be one of a kind (unique)
o Strategy developed to attain match or fit between internal capabilities and external possibilities
Swot analysis
Environment needs to be taken into account, navigated through but not interacted with - The strategy design process is complete when strategy appears fully formulated as a perspective
- This strategy is explicit
- Implementation follows formulation and articulation
How is the strategy formed?
What is most important; leadership, organization or environment?
Compex or simple strategies?
How does the organization change?
Occasionally, quantum
How is the environment viewed?
What are the contributions of the desgin school?
- Vocabulary & tools
- Grand strategy
- Basic notion; fit between external environment and internal capabilities
- Started to promote the relevance of strategy in organizations and as a field of research
What are the limitations of the design school?
- Structure follows strategy = unrealistic for most organizations
- Assumption of universality
- The capacity to learn is ignored by analytical assessment of environment and internal capabilities
- Promotion of inflexibility; hierarchical, centralized, and explicit strategy formulation
- Detachment of thinking from acting
- CEO/head or organization os unlikely to have all and perfect information and the capacity to process this information. CEO is seen as a Economic man
- bounded rationality: Rationality is limited, and individuals make imperfect decisions;
o difficulty of problem
o boundaries to cognitive capability
o Limited time
What are the different tests to evaluate the strategies (Rumelt)?
- Consistancy -> strategy must NOT present inconsistant goals
- Consonance -> strategy must adapt the external environment
- Advantage -> must create competitive advantage
- Feasability -> must net=ither overtax resources nor create unsolvable problems
What is marketing Myopia?
see yourself as a product seller rather than providing a solution to a need