Lecture 2 - 3 (Ch 7) Flashcards
The 5 types of RNA and their function are ___
- mRNA will be translated to proteins at the ribosome 2. rRNA forms part of the ribosome 3. tRNA carries AA to ribosomes 4. retrovirus RNA uses reverse transcriptase to produce complementary DNA 5. micro-RNA regulate gene expression in plants and animals
DNA coding strand and mRNA transcript have the ___ polarity
Transcription/gene expression is regulated in 3 different ways; these are ___
promotor, termination sequence, and exon/introns
Promotors help to regulate the transcription by ___; it is ___ to the process and is the ___
initiating transcription; essential; the most common method of regulating gene expression
Termination Sequence helps to regulate the transcription by ___; it is (same/different) according to eukaryote, prokaryote, and individual genes
signaling the end of transcription; different
Exons and introns are found in ___; the coding information is found in ___, while ___ is removed
eukaryotes; exon; intron (Eukaryotes have Exons)
In bacteria, 1 transcript leads to ___ protein; this RNA transcript (can/can’t) be translated straightaway because ___
multiple protein; can; The RNA transcript is mRNA because there is no need to process it. It also does not have a nucleus that has a separate mechanism of translation.
In eukarya, 1 transcript leads to ___ protein; this RNA transcript (can/can’t) be translated straightaway because ___
1 protein; can’t; the RNA transcript is called pre-mRNA because it has introns, which must be excised.
Describe the relationship between the promotor region, the 5’ untranslated region, coding region, termination region, 3’ UTR and the transcribed region in coding sequence of the bacteria. How will it look different within eukaryotes?
5’ –[Promotor] { [5’ UTR][Coding][3’ UTR] } [Termination]–3’ Promotor signals beginning of transcribed region; Transcribed region contains 5’ UTR, coding seq, and 3’ UTR; Termination signals end of transcription, and is not transcribed; In eukaryotes, there will be intermittent exons and introns between 5’ and 3’ UTR
Upstream of gene refers to ___; downstream of gene refers to ___
the area of the template DNA before start of mRNA transcription; the area after the end of mRNA transcription; upstream 5’—->3’ downstream —————————————————- downstream 3’ upstream
Translation ___; it takes place at the ___
converts genetic message carried by mRNA into sequence of AA joined together by covalent peptide bond; ribosome
The result of translation is ___
The relationship between polypeptide and protein is ___
polypeptide folds to make up all or part of a protein (i.e. folded polypeptide from gene 1 + folded polypeptide from gene 2 = protein)
Why is polpeptide called a POLYPEPTIDE?
peptide indicate 2 - 5 AA; polypeptide indicate many more AA
The start codon is ___, and (is/isn’t translated)
AUG; is translated to Met
The bond between AA is ___
covalent peptide bond
DNA is antiparallel but isn’t ___
a palindrome
In most genome, a given region of DNA can be transcribed and then translated into protein in (one/both) directions; the notable exception is
one; restriction enzyme sites
Restriction enzymes are also called restriction endonucleases because ___
the enzyme goes into the DNA at the MAJOR groove, read it, and then cut it at the palindromic sequence
Translation begins when mRNA ___
attaches to the ribosome in a manner that places the start codon (AUG) in the correct position
DNA, RNA, and polypeptides add in 5’->3’ direction because ___
they all use the same rnx.
Peptide Bond: Compare the P-site and the A-site of the ribosome
P-site: peptide already added; A-site: next AA will be brought in
Peptide Bond: At the A-site during elongation, what factors are present before and after peptide bond is formed? What are released/changed?
Before, AA-tRNA-EFtu*-GTP complex is at the A-site (EFtu is Elongation Factor) After, AA-tRNA EFtu is released and recycled; GTP is hydrolyzed