LECTURE 2 Flashcards
Infection caused by viruses and can be transmitted between animals to human
Viral zoonoses
Common strain of avain influenza (2pts.)
- H5N1
- H7N9
It is also known as birdflu
Avian Influenza
Host of avian influenza
Transmission routes of avian influenza (3pts.)
- Direct contact of infected birds or droppings
- Indirect contact of contaminated objects/ environment
- Consumption of undercooked/ uncooked birds
Prevention of avian influenza (2pts.)
- Vaccination
- Biosecurity
It is an aphthovirus
Foot and mouth disease(FMD)
Transmission routes of foot and mouth disease (3pts.)
- Direct contact of infected animals or their secretion
- Indirect contact through contaminated feed, equipment and environment
- Airborne transmission can occur in short distance
True or false. Foot and mouth is not directly harmful to human?
Clinical impact of foot and mouth disease in animals (2pts.)
- Blisters in foot and mouth
- Lameness
What are the economic impact of foot and mouth disease (2pts.)
- Decrease in animal productivity
- Trade restrictions
Host of foot and mouth disease
Cloven hoofed animals
It is a morbiillivirus
Peste des petits ruminants
It is a morbiillivirus
Pete des petits ruminants
Host of peste des petits ruminants
Small ruminants
Prevention of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) (3pts.)
- Vaccination
- Good husbandry practices
- Quarantine
Clinical impact of peste des petits (5pts.)
- Fever
- Oral lessions
- Respiratory symptoms
- Diarrhea
- High mortality rate