LECTURE 2 Flashcards
The deepest challenges in human computer interaction
ARe multidisciplinary fields
incorporating contributions from psychology, engineering, industrial
design, statistics, operations research, and anthropometry.
Human factors science or technologies
- It is a term that covers the science of understanding the properties of human capability, the application of this understanding to the design, development, and deployment of systems and services.
Human Factors
- It seeks to delineate and categorize a problem space
Descriptive Models
a descriptive model of the human. It delineates the
problem space by
positioning different types
of human actions in time
frames within which the
actions occur.
Newell’s Time Scale of
human action
often use a model showing a human
operator confronting a machine.
Human factors researchers
important since it is at the interface where
interaction takes place.
dash vertical line
the human ability to receive information
from the environment in the form of visible light perceived by the eye
hugely important, as most people obtain
about 80 percent of their information though the sense of light
Visual Sensory Channel
the detection of sound by humans.
Hearing or audition
are created when physical objects are moved or vibrated thus
creating fluctuations in air pressure
Sound Waves
is transmitted through the environment as sound waves.