lecture 2 Flashcards
adaptive immunity
- takes a while to get going
innate immunity
- first responders
- but both are working together
- induces adaptive response after getting things going first
- keep potential pathogens away
- most are innocuous
- many are beneficial
- but small number can cause disease
types of microbes
- bacteria
- viruses
- parasaties
- fungi
innate immunity functions
- keep pathogens away (barriers)
- detect and destroy invading pathogens - cells detect and destroy
- the immune cells secrete molecular messages (cytokines and chemokine) that spread the word to collect an army of cells to go to infection site
most pathogens are effectively stopped by innate immunity at an early stage?
properties of innate immunity
- response time
- specificty
- diversity
- memory responses
- self/non discrimination
response time
- innate immunity is the first one to act
(within minutes to hours, response for pathogen)
- receptors
- innate immunity receptors recognize broad characersitscs of pathogens
- our immune system has co-evovled with the pathogens to recognize the board characteristics
- a limited number of conserved, germ-line-encoded receptors
- limited diversity of receptors
- we don’t need a huge number of them because they recognize a broad characteristics of pathogens
- germ-line encodedg
germ-line encoded
- specificity of the receptors is encoded in the genomes is passed through the progeny, does not change
- adaptive immunity receptors are not the same case
memory responses
- no memory for innate immunity
- difference from adaptive
self/nonself discrimination
- good at detecting the broad characteristics of pathogens that are not present in self
- recognizing between self and non self
- innate immunity rarely fails at this distincition
innate immunity is non-adpative
- true
- at first exposure to pathogen, it acts first and has certain magnitude and speed for response and takes a few days
- next time it is exposed to same pathogen, acts the same way
- same response to same pathogen every time
adaptive immunity
- starts faster when exposed to same pathogen again
- immunnological memory
- innate is NOT adaptive
innate immune defences
- anatomical barriers
- immune cells
- proteins
anatomical barriers
- skin
- tissues
- commensal microbiota
immune cells
- detect andestory pathogens
- white blood cells
- leukocytes: phago and lympho
-secreted by cells
- cytokines
- complement proteins
- passes message along to other cells and imitates adaptive immunity through signalling
mechanical forces
- within the digestive and respiratory tract that keep things flowing and out our systems
- digestive tract and resp tract exposed to outside, gi tract
- main portals of entry
- layered with epithelia that has specific barriers for protetion
eptihelial cells characteristis
- tight junctions
- regneration
- desquamation
- secretions
tight junctions
-molecualr structures between epithelial cells
- keep things tight and together
- nothing can sequence between the cells
- regernate quickly to replace dead cells
- shedding helps remove attached pathgoens
- will shed themselves when pathogen attaches
- pathogen is eliminated with them
- enzymes
- am peptiedes
- ## mucus