Lecture 2 Flashcards
Victor of averyon
Never able to fluently speak- could recognize language
Empathy- sign of empathy or emotion-contagion- share emotional experience rather than empathy
Empathy- has emotional and cog component
Emotional- develop in infancy- they recognize emotion contagion- can detect emotional distress and feel it
Cognitive- hat are underlying causes and cognitions suttonding emotions- develops later on
Could of just been emotional rather than cog empathy
Factors contributing to her reaction
Being judged
Stressor of moving
Loss of previous life
Teacher contributed
Fear of having to speak
The study of causes of abnormal child behavior involves theory (and research) about the following 3 factors: biological factors, psychological factors and contextual factors Causes of child behaviour- involves theory and research of 3 factors
Culture- Riley’s Estes- first use joy to mask emotions- may be cultural influence- have to show façade to others
Look at the factors interaction- not separately
All 3 can happen at same time and affect person
Studying typical development- informs on atypical development and vice versa
A language of science that allows us to assemble and communicate existing knowledge effectively
Most clinical and development research begins with theory- allows us to make educated guesses and predictions- with research update theory
Etiology: the study of the causes of childhood disorders
Considers how biological, psychological, and environmental processes interact to produce outcomes observed over time
Very few simple cause and effect relationship multiple interactive causes- help inderstand disorders complexity
Emphasis on:
Developmental processes
Developmental milestones and sequences in physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and education development
Using abnormal development to inform normative development and vice versa- juxtaposing the two to inform the other
Informs understanding on forming theories and conceptualizing disorders
To understand maladaptive behaviour- compare it to normative behaviour in regards to development period
Look at lags of developemental milestones
3 guiding assumptions about abnormal development:
Abnormal Development is Multiply Determined
Child and Environment are Interdependent-bidirectional effects
Abnormal Development is Continuous and Discontinuous
Abnormal development is multiply determined
Idea that abnormal development has more than one cause- look beyond current symptoms look at developemental pathways and contributors of disorder
Riley= many influencing factors
Children and environments are interdependent - transactional view
Children and environments are interdependent - transactional view Children and enviroment act as agents- adapt to behaviour and enviroment
Enviroment and individual factors pay factors in shaping enviroment and disorder- affect each other
Abnormal development involves continuities and discontinuities
Very few psych disorder emerge without warning signs or connection to developemental issues
Continuity- development is gradual and cumulative and quantified from early patterns- look at biology- add height year by year
Discontinuious- changes abrupt and qualitive in nature- child think literally vs abstractly- as develop can think more abstractly
Pos vs neg factors
Neg- move, poverty can impact cntinuity and discontinuous
Developemental cascades
Evaluating and conceptualixing why some children experience same experience and develop fine and others don’t
Developemental cascade-
In some cases- straight path, others- move different directions end in different locations
Finality- can have same experience end in different ed point
Developemental cascade- ealry experiences alter changes in development
Abnormal child behavior is best studied from a multi-theoretical perspective Take from multiple theories
And causes
Becoming more compatible ad interactive with each other
Pair better more accurate picture of abnormal behaviour
Common ground of different childhood disorders:
Adaptational failure – not meeting milestones in one or more areas of development
Use normal development juxtaposed against abnormal to understand both
Abnormal behaviour= adaptational failure in one or more areas of development- don’t meet developemental milestones- don’t match normal
Pro- Measurable
Cons- stigma, environmental factors, cultural differences not in account
Organization of development perspective
Early patterns of adaptation evolve with structure over time
Development- use organized perspective- onceptualize how abnormality developed and what point in time
Language- progresses in complexity
How children progress- impacted by biology and environmental factors
Any failure in development- affect future development
Sensitive periods: times during which environmental influences on development are enhanced
Often part of organized development process
Particularly primed to learn something in sensitive period
Toddlers- sensitive to basic language sounds- helps them learn sounds and develop language- more exposure during period= better future lang development
Victor- wasn’t exposed to much language- couldn’t develop normally because of lack of learning n sensitive period
Sensitive periods
Language- age 0-6
Motor ad movement- 0-4.5
Later on can expand on learning but harder
2-5= language begins to develop= language disorder begins to arise
Biological perspectives
Genetic and neurobiological perspectives
Brain and nervous system= causes of disorders
Brain= underlying cause
Overtime- enviroment has been incorporated into this perspective- enviroment can reroute brai processes- epigenetics