Lecture 2 Flashcards
Latissimus dorsi action
-shoulder extension, adduction, and internal rotation
Stretch with: shoulder flexion, abduction, and external rotation
Lat stretch stabilization
- usually body weight is enough
- may stabilize ipsilateral rib cage
Lat stretch picture
increasing the length of the flexor digitorum superficialis of the 3rd digit
- arm pronated
- extend wrist
- extend middle finger
increasing the length of the shoulder internal rotators
pt supine
external rotate
increasing the length of the bicep at the elbow
- pronate
- extend elbow
- shoulder extension
extensor digitorum muscle stretch
- pronated arm
- curl fingers and wrist; apply pressure
pronation and supination stretch
With the patient’s humerus supported on the table and the elbow flexed to 90°, grasp the distal forearm.
Stabilize the humerus.
Supinate or pronate the forearm just beyond the point of tissue resistance.
Be sure the stretch force is applied to the radius rotating around the ulna. Do not twist the hand, thereby avoiding stress to the wrist articulations.
Repeat the procedure with the elbow extended. Be sure to stabilize the humerus to prevent internal or external rotation of the shoulder.
flexor digitorum profundus action:
flexes the MCP, PIP, DIP
stretch: extend MCP, PIP, DIP
flexor digitorum superficialis action
action: flexes PIP, MCP, and radio carpal joint (wrist)
stretch: extend the finger, and wrist
Pec major action
adductor, internal rotator
clavicular: flex the humerus
sternal fibers: extend the humerus once in a flexed position
Stretch: door-way stretch
psoas major stretch picture
psoas major action
flexion and lateral rotation
Soleus action
stretch: dorsiflexion
- the knee must be flexed
- avoid placing too much pressure on the long arch
iliotibial band/TFL stretch picture
-IT band in an: abductor (stretch it to increase adduction)
Increasing the length of the hamstrings at the knee
-do not extend the knee until your hip is in 90deg of hip flexion
Increasing the length of the extensor hallucis longus
action: extend MCP and IP joint
stretch: extend MCP and IP joint
increasing the hamstrings at the hip
- same stretch but can keep the knee extended the whole time
- hand can create counter force to keep extension at the knee
hip medial rotators (mneomonic) and adductor stretch
PGOGOQ piriforomis gemellus superior obturator internus gemellus inferior obturator externus quadratus lomburdum
QL stretch
- action: ipsilateral side bender
- place a pillow under pt for better positioning (reverses the curve)
Passive stretch for lumbar extensors
passive stretch from rhomboids
action: retraction
stretch: anything with shoulder proctraction
levator scap action
ipsilateral laterally flex and ipsilateral rotate and extend the neck
levator scap stretch (& picture)
- contralateral rotation
- contralateral lateral flexion
- flexion
- stabilize scapula & press down when you get through the end range of stretching
short occiptial extensor muscles
-rectus capitis posterior major
-rectus capitis posterior minor
(& some obliqis capitis)
short occipital extensor stretch
- create a wedge with thumb & pointer finer
- fingers just superior to the SP of C2 (for stabilization) & move the occpit (create capital flexion)
- pt’s head is on the table
- axis of motion: through external auditory meatus
scalene action/stretch
action: flexes and ipsilateral lateral flexes
stretch extend and contralaterally side bend
upper trap action/stretch
action: elevate and upwardly rotate shoulders and extend neck
stretch: depress, downwardly rotate and flex neck
Pec minor action/stretch
action: draws scapula anterioinferiorly and stabilizes scap on thoracic wall