Lecture 2 Flashcards
something we want (= wanting), higher motivation
- Volitive desire
- Appetitive desire
Appetitive desire
A feeling of wanting that propels use to approach and consume objects or otherwise engage in activities that satisfy a need and, in doing so, yield a gain in immediate pleasure (or relief from discomfort).
- getting pleasure from forbidden fruits: alcohol/ drugs, sex, and unhealthy food
- attracts attention
- can be higher (craving) and lower (anhedonia)
If excessive and psychiatric level:
Addiction such as food, sex, and substances
The subject desire to experience the effect of a previously used drug
The full resumption of drug-seeking and drug-administration behaviors after a period of abstinence
Relapse rates under detoxification
- high for all substances of abuse
- often preceded by craving
Causes of craving and relapse
- A small dose of the drug of abuse (priming effect)
- Emotional stress (negative reinforcement)
- Exposure to drug related stimuli (classical conditioning)
Operant conditioning
Method of learning that employs reward and punishment for behavior. An association is made between behavior and a consequence for that behavior.
Positive reinforcement: If some stimuli are increasing your behavior, it is positive
Negative reinforcement: When stimuli are taking something away from your behavior, it’s ja negative
Operant conditioning in addiction
Play a role in substance use:
Drugs (alcohol) are powerful positive reinforcers of behavior, but can also be negative reinforcers (pain killers).
Classical conditioning
Learned process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired: a response which is at first elicited by the second stimuli is eventually elicited by the first stimuli alone.
Classical conditioning in addiction
Repeated pairing of particular events, emotional states, or cues with substance use can produce craving for substance
Eventually, exposure to cue alone produces drug or alcohol cravings or urges that are often followed by substance use
Robins (1975):
Role of context
US soldiers in Vietnam
- heroin use 34%
- dependent on heroin 20%
First year after return to US only 1% because re-addicted
Social learning
Learning through the observation of others people’s behavior.
- process of social change in which people learn form each other
- Modeling
- Self-efficacy - not able to resist
- Expectancies - good expectation of use
Robinson & Berridge Model
Liking and wanting in Addiction:
When you initially use substances the liking and the wanting are the same. Over time the value of liking decreases and the value of wanting increases.
Associated personality traits with addiction
- anxiety
- introversion
- low self-esteem
- impulsivity / sensation-seeking
- reward seeking
Later ones are more strongly related to addiction.
Impulsivity and addiction
Sher et am. (2000):
A broader impulsive sensation-seeking trait was prospectively the best predictor of substance use disorder
- short-term choice without considering long-term goals - impulsivity
Iowa gambling Task:
- impulsive people are likely to chose the immediate reward instead of the long term reward even though it would be more profitable