Lecture 19: Ghosts 1 Flashcards
what are the restless dead
souls that do not travel into the underworld either because they did not have a proper burial, or because they are unhappy about the funeral they recieve
how do you get into the underworld
with a proper burial and then your soul is taken down
explain the ghosts of patroclus
the ghost of patrocolus has not been buried and his body is still in the living world
he comes as a ghost via a dream and asks to get a funeral
ex. achilles and patroculus , achilles keeps his dead body and has a funeral with games and the flashiest send off
what does ataphoi mean
unburied dead
explain elpenor in the odessy
elpenor drinks too much wine on the roof of circe’s palace and he walked off the roof, broke his neck and died. then everyone else left the island and accidentally left his body rotting on the island
odysseus then goes to necromancy and sees elpanor and tells him he needs a funeral
how does elpanor get a funeral if they cant get to his body
you can summon the ghost into a tomb via a religious ceramony - the purpose of the burial is to allow the soul to rest, not to get body hiddden
explain the unburied dead in virgils aneid
similar foundation to the odessy
anneus does katabasis and goes fully into the underworld, talks to dad and meetd up with palinuis ghost who drowned during tory war and palinius tells him to call his soul into a tomb
use the 100 year route for those who are unbuired to get a funeral
what is the 100 year route
roman religious way
land route if you dont get a proper burial to go into the underworld
explain the death at marathon
the battle of marathon was between the persians and the athenians
the athenians who died during this battle got a proper funeral, but the persians left all their dead there so they buried them into a pit and called it a day
why does pausanius think that marathon is haunted
there is no trace of a real tomb, they just did the bare minimum and the ghosts were very angry so if you go across to this hill at marathon you will get sick and die
what was the tomb at marathon called
what did socrates write about ghosts and the immortality of the soul
he says that the soul is immortal and that we have ghosts because there is nothing down in the underworld for you
what does plato think about afterlife in the myth of er
you will come back and the good people get rewarded and bad people punished
based on beliefs of soul and afterlife
what is metempsychosis
transmigration of the soul - when ur dead your soul is reborn int a new body