Lecture 19: Airway Anatomy (Exam III, Andy's Cards) Flashcards
All of the neurological control of breathing happens in the _________.
Name the 3 parts of the brainstem from superior to inferior.
see below
What is another name for the midbrain?
Which part of the brainstem will predominantly regulate the control of respiration?
What does PRG stand for?
Pontine Respiratory Group
PRG regulates respiration.
What are the two main parts of the medulla that govern respiration?
- Ventral Respiratory Group (Front)
- Dorsal Respiratory Group (Back)
Where are the Botzinger (BOT) and Pre-Botzinger Complex (Pre-BOT) located?
How does the Botzinger and Pre-Botzinger Complex contribute to respiration?
VRG of the medulla.
Pace the respiratory rate.
Where is the Apneustic Center located?
What does the Apneustic Center stimulate?
What is the result of overstimulation of the Apneustic center?
- Lower Pons
- Apneustic Center stimulates the inspiratory neurons of the DRG in the medulla.
- Overstimulation of the Apneustic Center will result in a prolonged inspiration and brief expiration.
What are two factors that Dr. Schmidt mentioned will control our respiratory drive?
- Planned movement
- Feedback from sensors and blood gas-related products
An increase or decrease in the following blood gas products will result in an increase in respiratory drive.
______ CO2
______ H+
______ O2
______ pH
- ↑ CO2
- ↑ H+
- ↓ O2
- ↓ pH
All these factors will increase respiratory drive.
An increase or decrease in the following blood gas products will result in a decrease in respiratory drive.
______ CO2
______ H+
______ O2
______ pH
- ↓ CO2
- ↓ H+
- ↑ O2
- ↑ pH
All these factors will reduce respiratory drive.
Where are the locations of our chemoreceptors?
- Central (brainstem)
- Periphery
The central chemoreceptors in the brainstem will typically respond to ________, _________, and _______.
- H⁺
- CO₂
- O2
The central chemoreceptors in the brainstem will typically not respond to changes in ______.
- Oxygen
Where are peripheral chemoreceptors located?
- Carotid Body (one on each side of the neck)
- Aortic Bodies (3 or 4 spread across the aortic arch)
Where are the baroreceptors located?
- Carotid Sinus
Chemoreceptors are in the bodies
How do chemoreceptors work?
Blood gas changes drive chemoreceptors (CO2, O2, H+, pH) to either increase or decrease respiratory drive.
When PaO₂ drops below normal (100 mmHg), carotid body nerve impulses will increase, increasing respiratory drive.
High blood flow through the carotid bodies allows them to “see” changes in the body and make adjustments fairly quickly.
What is the primary driver of the peripheral chemoreceptors?
↑ PCO2 ,↑ Respiratory Drive
↓ PCO2, ↓ Respiratory Drive
↑ PCO2 will _______ MAP.
increase MAP
Short-term response
How do the aortic bodies relay information back to the medulla?
Vagus Nerve (X)
This will be the same route as the baroreceptors
What pathway does the carotid body take to get back into the brainstem?
Carotid body → Hering’s nerve → Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX) → Medulla (Nucleus Tractus Solitarius)
The trachea extends from the base of the ________ down to the bifurcation and splitting of the left/right bronchi.
What is the length of a typical trachea (range)?
By tilting the head back, how much can the trachea elongate?
11 to 13 cm
+2 cm (elongation)
What will happen to the internal diameter of the trachea if there is elongation?
Decreased internal diameter of the trachea.
The width of the trachea is similar to the width of what body part, according to Dr. James Schmidt?
Index Finger
What is the circular structure at the bottom of the larynx attached to the trachea?
Cricoid Cartilage
What cartilages make up the larynx?
How many cartilages make up the larynx?
- Thyroid Cartilage (largest cartilage)
- Epiglottis (large cartilage)
- Cricoid Cartilage (large cartilage)
- Ayrentoids Cartilage (2)
- Cuneiform Cartilage (2)
- Corniculate Cartilage (2)
9 cartilages make up the larynx
What is the length of the right main stem bronchus?
What is the length of the left main stem bronchus?
2 cm (right)
5 cm (left)
Which mainstem is more vertical?
Which mainstem is more horizontal?
The right mainstem is more vertical.
The left mainstem is more horizontal.
How many split points are in each bronchus?
- The right bronchus has 3 split points.
- The left bronchus has 2 splits points.
How many total airway segments are there in the right lung?
How many total airway segments are there in the left lung?
- 10 air segments on the right lung
- 8 airway segments on the left lung
The picture shows 10 airway segments for the left lung, but some segments are fused together.
What type of muscle sits between the tracheal rings?
Smooth Muscle
What cartilage will prevent food from entering the lungs?
What is the largest piece of cartilage in the larynx?
Thyroid Cartilage
What cartilage is a continuous ring in the larynx?
Cricoid Cartilage
The vocal cords are attached to what two cartilage?
- Thyroid Cartilage (Thyroid Notch)
- Arytenoid Cartilage
In pediatric patients (<10 yrs), their narrowest upper airway point is going to be the ________.
Cricoid Cartilage
Section III (red) in the picture.
In adult patients, their narrowest upper airway point is going to be the ________.
Level of the Vocal Cards
Section II (green) in the picture.
What is the region of the blue circle called?
What are the regions of the pharynx?
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Hypopharynx (Laryngopharynx)
What are the two components that make up the roof of the mouth?
- Hard palate (bone)
- Soft palate (flesh)
Label A, B, C, and D.
A. Pharyngeal Tonsil
B. Lingual Tonsil
C. Hard Palate
D. Soft Palate
Label A, B, C, and D
A. Hard Palate
B. Soft Palate
C. Uvula
D. Palatine Tonsil
The tongue is a ________ muscle.
What is the region in the green triangle called?
This is where the tip of our Mac Blade goes.
Label the Question Mark.
Eustachian canal or Pharyngotympanic Tube
This helps control equilibrium and maintains pressure in the ear drums.
What is the specialized bone that makes up the nose?
Ethmoid Bone
What part of the ethmoid bone serves as an attachment for the meninges of the brain?
Crista galli
Label A, B, C, D, and E.
Where is the best place to try to keep your nasal airway?
On the floor of the nasal cavity (the palatine process of the maxilla).
You want to avoid the conchae; they are very fragile.
What is another name for concha?
What is the dividing septum between the two sides of the nose?
Why are the conchae porous?
To house blood vessels and humidify the inspired air.
What two arteries supply the nasal vasculature?
- Internal Carotid Artery (roof of the nose)
- External Carotid Artery
Which artery provides circulation to the scalp, according to Dr. Schmidt?
Internal Carotid Artery
How many sets of salivary glands do we have? Name them.
- Parotid Gland
- Submandibular Gland
- Sublingual Gland
What is the largest cranial nerve in your head?
- Trigeminal Nerve (V)
Takes care of sensory innervation for almost the entire face.
What are the three divisions of the Trigeminal Nerve?
- Ophthalmic Branch / V1 (forehead)
- Maxillary Branch/ V2 (front of the face)
- Mandibular Branch/ V3 (lower jaw)
What nerve innervates the movement and taste of the back one-third of the tongue?
- Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)
What nerve is responsible for the taste in the front two-thirds of the tongue?
What nerve innervates the movement of the front two-thirds of the tongue?
- Facial Nerve (VII)
- Mandibular Branch (V3) of Trigeminal Nerve
What is the sensory nerve for the larynx?
- Vagus Nerve (X)
What nerve innervates the hard palate?
The greater palatine nerve of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve.
What division of the trigeminal nerve is responsible for our ice cream headache/brain freeze?
Ophthalmic branch (V1) of the Trigeminal Nerve
Need to clarify
How many turbinates are there?
What is another name for turbinates?
Three (also known as meatus or concha)
- Inferior
- Middle
- Superior
Which turbinate does the endotracheal tube pass through during a nasal intubation?
- Inferior turbinate
What area is indicated by 1 on the figure below?
What area is indicated by 2 on the figure below?
What area is indicated by 3 on the figure below?
What structure divides the oropharynx and the hypopharynx?
- Epiglottis
Loss of pharyngeal muscle tone results in _________ _________.
Airway obstruction
Fill in the structures that compose the picture of the larynx below.
What structure is indicated by 5 on the figure below?
- Vocal fold
What structure is indicated by 6 on the figure below?
- Trachea
What structure is indicated by 7 on the figure below?
- Corniculate Cartilage
What structure is indicated by 8 on the figure below?
- Cuneiform Cartilage
What structure is indicated by 11 on the figure below?
- Epiglottis
What structure is indicated by 12 on the figure below?
- Vallecula
Which laryngeal cartilages are unpaired?
- Thyroid (largest, supports soft tissue)
- Cricoid
- Epiglottis
Which laryngeal cartilages are paired?
- Arytenoid
- Corniculate
- Cuneiform
Per Guyton, what factor will most greatly influence central (CNS) chemoreceptors?