Lecture 18: Pharmacogenomics Flashcards
What is pharmacogenomics? = 6
1 * Pharmacogenomics used interchangeably with pharmacogenetics
…2 * defined as the study of how a person’s genetic make-up affects their response to a drug.
…3 * effective, safe medications, prescribed based on a person’s genetic makeup
4 * Pharmacogenomics - an important example of ‘precision medicine’, which tailors medical treatment to each person. (Obama)
5 * Move from ‘one drug fits all’ and prevent ADR. Pharmacogenomics can inform you ahead of time whether a drug is likely to be a benefit and is safe.
6 * The field is growing and developing through clinical trials.
7 * In the future, pharmacogenomics will be used to develop tailored drugs to treat a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, cancer, and asthma
What is genetic variation? What is the effect on drugs? = 5
- Genetic variation in the regulatory and coding regions of genes determines drug response.
2.The ten highest-grossing drugs in the USA, for every the person helped between 3 and 24 individuals failed to show a response. Rough data!
- ADRs account for ~6.5% of hospital admissions in adults, increasing to >15% in people with multimorbidity.
(UK figures, similar to other countries)
4.~50% of prescriptions in the
The USA and UK are affected by actionable germline pharmacogenes.
- 90% of patients older than 70 years will be exposed to at least one drug with pharmacogenomics guidance.
Sources of Variation in Response ..flow chart = 12
1. Age
2. Pregnancy
3. race
4. obesity
5. gender
6. disease states
7. adherence
8. drug interactions
9. environmental factors
- Pharmacogenomics —> Genetic differences
History of Pharmacogenomics: more detail of timeline on slide 6
510 BC
-First described by Pythagoras around 510 BC
*Ingestion of fava beans causing haemolytic anemia.
*Due to deficiency of G6PD (1950s) affecting ~400 million people
- The term pharmacogenomics
appeared in 1990s. - 2005
The first FDA approval of a
pharmacogenetic test was in 2005 (for
alleles in CYP2D6 and CYP2C19)
Benefits of Pharamcogenomics:
‘Integrating pharmacogenomics into clinical practice will ultimately enable healthcare providers to: 4’
1 * Maximize use of a medications
2 * Reduce ADR
3 * Speedup time to achieve the therapeutic benefit of a drug
4 * Decrease the chance of side effects or dependency
Benefits of Pharmacogenomics
‘Decrease the cost of healthcare expenditures by: 7’
1 * Using genomics to identify the most appropriate and affordable drug the first time
2 * Reducing ADR early in treatment, thus
3 * Reduce hospital length of stays
4 * Reduce hospital readmissions
5 * Reduce ED visits
6 * Reduce the risk of morbidity and death, and
7 * Be cost-effective
Benefits of Pharamcogenomics:
Pharmacogenomics will enable development of tailor-made therapeutics for treating widespread health problems like
- neurodegenerative,
- cardiovascular disorders,
- HIV,
- cancer,
- asthma, etc
Pharmacogenomic landscape…what can it do? = 6
- Predict Drug dose
- Prevent adverse drug reactions
- enabling drug discovery/development
- predicting the activation of pro-drugs
- developing targeted drugs for cancer therapy
- enabling drug discovery/development
Pharmacogenomic information contained in drug labels from different regulatory agencies
diagram on slide 9
Selected pharmacogenetic tests in the context of US FDA-approved drug labels.
table on slide 10
Knowledge Information… 8
1 * Dutch Pharmacogenetics Working Group (DPWG)
…2 * information on drug–gene pairs, including drug labels and clinical
3 * Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC)
…4* help clinicians understand genetic test results should be used to optimize drug therapy.
- PharmVar
…6* centralized data repository on pharmacogene variation.
- PharmVar
7 * FDA lists 517gene/drug associations that have been included on drug labels.
8 * Much of the content in drug labels is for information only, rather than guidance on drug dosages.
CPIC and DPWG Guidelines for Stroke
slide 12…table
Comparison of methods for testing:
How does pharmacogenomics work?
Drug Pharmacokinetics
1 * Four main processes involved in drug pharmacokinetics—
2* absorption,
3* distribution,
4 * Metabolism and
5 * Excretion
6 * These factors determine inter-individual variability in drug handling.
7 * Genetic variants can have a role in determining drug pharmacokinetics at each of these stages.
How does pharmacogenomics work?
- Drug Receptors.
- DNA variants determine the type of receptors, how many, and efficiency. As a result, a higher or lower amount of the drug is needed or a different drug.
Understanding Drug Receptors on drugs …….4
- MANY RECEPTORS —> ‘strong response to drug’
- FEW RECEPTORS —> ‘Weak response to drug’
- NO RECEPTORS —> ‘ NO response to drug’
- DIFFERENT TYPE OF RECEPTORS –> ‘NO response to drug’
Example: Breast Cancer and T-DM1.
= 5
1 * Some breast cancers make too many HER2 receptors, which helps the cancer develop and spread.
2 * T-DM1 (Trastuzumab-DM1 is an antibody-drug conjugate) used to treat these cancers and works by attaching to HER2 receptors on cancerous cells and
killing them.
3 * Tumour tissue is tested to determine if T-DM1 is the right treatment.
4 * If there is a high number of HER2 (HER2 positive), TDM1 can be used.
- If the tumor is HER2 negative, TDM1 will not work.
- *Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
How does pharmacogenomics work?… DRUG UPTAKE = 4
- Some drugs need to be actively taken into cells.
- DNA variants can affect uptake of certain drugs.
- Decreased uptake means the drug does not work as well and can cause it to build up in other parts of your body, which may be a problem.
- DNA variants can affect uptake of certain drugs.
4 * DNA variants can affect how quickly some drugs are removed from the cells. If
drugs are removed too quickly, they might not have time to act.
- Normal uptake —> the drug works as expected
- Decreased uptake —> drug can build up and cause problems
Example: Statins and Muscle Problems = 6
…drug uptake
1 * Statins act in the liver to lower cholesterol.
2 * To work, they must first be taken into the liver cells.
3 * Statins are transported by a protein made by the ‘SLCO1B1’ gene.
4 * A DNA variant causes reduced simvastatin to be absorbed by cells.
5 * When taken at high doses, simvastatin can build up causing muscle weakness and pain.
6 * Genetic testing the ‘SLCO1B1’ gene can be done to determine if simvastatin is the best statin and what dose would work best
How does pharmacogenomics work?
Drug Breakdown = 3
- DNA variants can affect the speed of a drug break down.
- If the drug is metabolized more quickly than most people, a higher dose may be required or a different drug used.
- If the drug is metabolized more slowly, a smaller dose may be required.
How does pharmacogenomics work?… DRUG BREAKDOWN…
- NORMAL BREAKDOWN —> Nedd the normal dose of the drug
- FAST BREAKDOWN —> Need more drug or a different drug
- SLOW BREAKDOWN —> Need less drug
Example: Depression & Amitriptyline…drug breakdown = 4
- The breakdown of the antidepressant drug amitriptyline is influenced by two
genes ‘CYP2D6’ and ‘CYP2C19.’ - Genetic testing for these genes can help decide what dose of the drug is needed.
3 * Fast metabolizers will need a higher dose or a different drug.
- Slow metabolizers will need a smaller dose or a different drug to avoid a bad reaction.
Cytochrome Oxidase P450 Enzymes = 5
1 * 57 Different active genes
2 * 17 Different families
3 * CYP1, CYP2 and CYP3 are primarily involved in drug metabolism.
4 * Six metabolize 90% of drugs. The two most significant enzymes are ‘CYP3A4 and CYP2D6.’
5 * ‘CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C9 ,CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1
and CYP3A4’ are responsible for metabolizing most clinically important drugs
Genetic Variability Influences Drug Metabolism Enzymes
*75% of all drugs are metabolized by ‘CYP3A4 + CYP2D6’
*2D6 contributes~20% of all drugs, although it is only 1.5% of total liver content
diagram on slide 24
CYP2D6 and CYP2C19:
CYP 2D6 in Caucasians:
– PM: 7% High plasma drug level, toxicity
– IM: 40% Lower dose in some patients
– EM: 50% Normal metabolizers STD dose
– UM: 3% Very low drug level, higher dose
CYP 2C19 in Caucasians:
– PM: 3%
– IM: 27%
– EM: 70% Normal metabolizers
Drug Dose..understanding = 6
1 * The dose determines both efficacy and safety of a drug.
Genetic factors play a role.
2 * An example is warfarin:
* SNPs in CYP2C9 (enzyme metabolizing warfarin) & VKORC1 (enzyme inhibited by warfarin) determine the dose requirement.
Loss-of-function SNPs in either or both genes cause reduced enzyme activity and lower warfarin doses is required, to avoid
overexposure, and achieve therapeutic anticoagulation.
3 * Other examples are with anticancer drugs:
4 * TPMT and NUDT15 SNPs and thiopurines,
5 * DPYD polymorphisms and fluoropyrimidines, and
6 * UGT1A1 polymorphisms and irinotecan.
6 * In these cases, a SNP either reduces or abolishes the activity of the relevant enzyme resulting in reduced metabolism of the anticancer drug, overexposure and
dose-dependent toxicity, causing bone marrow suppression and/or severe diarrhoea.
Examples of dose adjustments based on PGDx… DIAGRAM ON SLIDE 27
Genetic SNPs in cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and CYP2C9, thiopurine Smethyltransferase (TPMT), and N-acetyltransferase
type 2 (NAT2).
UM: ultra-rapid metabolizer; RA: rapid acetylator;
EM: extensive metabolizer; IA: intermediate
acetylator; IM: intermediate metabolizer; SA: slow
acetylator; PM: poor metabolizer; AUC: area under the curve;
Targeted Drug Development = 8
1 * Some diseases are due to specific mutations in a gene.
- Can be many other mutations that have different effects.
3 * The protein may not work correctly, or not be made at all.
4 * Drugs can be created based on how the mutation affects the protein. The drug only works for the specific mutation,
eg ‘Cystic Fibrosis’
5 * Ivacaftor, trialled in the 4% of patients carrying G551D mutation, led to a 55% reduction in the pulmonary exacerbation rate.
6 * Combination of elexacaftor, tezacaftor and ivacaftor, used in patients with at least one copy of Phe508del, reduced the
exacerbation rate by 63%.
7 * Gain-of-function mutations in the PCSK9 gene lead to high LDL-C levels and premature CVD & vise versa.
8 * Anti-PCSK-9 antibodies, reduce LDL-C by 54% when given fortnightly and CVD events.
Effects of variation in CYP2D6 metabolism with clinical response to two therapeutic agent
Metabolism of warfarin
Warfarin = 5
1 * Warfarin is the most common oral anticoagulant in the world
2 * Therapeutic range: INR 2-3 (2.5-3.5 for prosthetic heart valves)
3 * INR <2: risk of thromboembolic event
4 * INR >3: risk of bleeding complications
5 * 30 to 35% of the variability in warfarin response is due to genetic variants, which is more than clinical variables alone.
= 4
1 * Metabolism of warfarin is dependent on
CYP2C9 and CYP2C9 LOF alleles (CYP2C92 and CYP2C93) have been associated with over-anticoagulation and an increased risk of bleeds.
2 * Pharmacogenetic algorithm; age, sex, weight, height, self-declared race, use of amiodarone, use of enzyme inducers, VKORC1 genotypes, and predicted phenotypes according to CYP2C9 polymorphisms
3 * Three recent RTCs have produces conflicting results. Possibly due to different populations groups.
4 * Warfarin use has dropped over the last 10 years from 77 to 12% in specific indications like atrial fibrillation.
Jason 4-year-old boy - TPMT
= 10
1 * Presented with 2 weeks of extensive bruising & back pain.
2 * Pale, tachycardic, no fever, ↓ Hb, ↑ WCC, ↓ platelets
3 * Blood film → ↑ lymphocytes → acute lymphocytic leukaemia, (bone marrow)
4 * Responded well to chemotherapy
5 * Maintenance dose of 6-mercaptopurine & MTX
6 * Prior to treatment blood taken for TPMT – level OK
7 * Severe neutropenic sepsis – treated with antibiotics
8 * Had a blood transfusion for anaemia – gave false TPMT level
9 * TPMT genotype – homozygous for TPMT*3A
10 * Reduced dose of 6MP and remained disease free
Metabolism of 6-Mercaptopurine
TPMT Activity & Personalized Dosage
Peripheral blood leukocyte count (WBC) and azathioprine
(AZA) dose in TPMT deficient heart transplant recipients
Lancet 341:436, Feb 13, 1993
- Tamoxifen known as the most important adjuvant endocrine treatment in patients with estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer.
- It inhibits tumor growth and promotes apoptosis in ER-positive tumors, resulting in a reduced risk of recurrence and death from breast cancer.
Tamoxifen controversy: 4
- Between 2018 and 2021, 2 studies showed a relation between CYP2D6 genotype and breast cancer recurrence as well as breast cancer-specific mortality after tamoxifen treatment.
2 * Four studies reported no association with clinical outcome in tamoxifen treatment.
3 * The controversy regarding the association of CYP2D6 genotype and tamoxifen- related clinical outcome continues.
4 * This controversy will exist until large RCTs are performed.
- ADRs can be divided into Type A and Type B reactions, both can be affected by genetic factors.
- A great deal of progress has been made in identifying genetic predisposing factors for ADRs over the past 20 years.
- Type A, ADRs are an augmentation of the pharmacological actions of a drug and show typical dose dependency, with a reduction in dose leading to improvement in ADRs.
- The examples given in the previous slides on dose are illustrations of Type A ADRs.
Type B ADRs = 5
1 * Type B ADRs cannot be easily explained based on the pharmacology of the drug,
2 * There is no clear dose dependency and drug discontinuation stops the ADR.
3 * Many of these ADRs are immune mediated.
4 * HLA alleles predispose to these reactions.
5 * Such as associations with flucloxacillin hepatitis and carbamazepine hypersensitivity.
Pharmacogenomics in clinical practice = 3
- Implementation of pharmacogenomics into clinical practice has been slow, and pharmacogenomic testing has been restricted to certain specialist centres.
2 * Due to a perceived lack of clinical evidence, inability to access genotyping tests, lack of clarity on costeffectiveness, lack of knowledge on how to interpret
pharmacogenomic tests and the actions to take when a patient has a variant allele, education, funding, worries about disruption to the normal clinical pathways and concerns over confidentiality issues.
3 * Evidence needed on polypharmacy (≥5 concomitant drugs) and multimorbidity in the elderly.
- Genomic studies are highly Eurocentric and to lack ethnic diversity
…2. exacerbates already-existing health in equalities. - 97% of GWAS data participants are of European ancestry with only 2.2% Asian,
0.02% African. - Lack of diversity is a problem in pharmacogenomic studies eg
….5. * Most warfarin dosing algorithms have been based on CYP2C92 and CYP2C93 SNPs, which are prevalent in European populations but largely absent in African-ancestry populations. Studies that have evaluated the role of CYP2C9 SNPs that are more prevalent in African populations are scant. - Lack of consideration of ethnic diversity is also seen in drug labels.
Drug discovery and drug safety = 5
- In oncology, MPS has identified driver mutations in somatic cancer genomes.
Leading to the development of drugs that target these mutations.- Eg Vemurafenib, inhibits BRAF and crizotinib, inhibits ALK.
- Most successful drug classes developed are tyrosine kinase inhibitors, eg imatinib, which targets the BCR–ABL1 fusion gene in CML. Transforming
prognosis of CML be similar to age matched individuals.
- Most successful drug classes developed are tyrosine kinase inhibitors, eg imatinib, which targets the BCR–ABL1 fusion gene in CML. Transforming
- This is not the case with most solid tumours. Initially there is a dramatic response that relapses due to the development of new mutations.
- The challenge - identify best combination of therapies targeting the aberrant pathway(s) to lead to increased overall survival.
1 * Genetic variation contributes to inter-individual differences in drug response
2 * Through personalized or precision medicine, pharmacogenomics is expected to give:
3 * Better, safer drugs the first time
4 * More accurate methods of determining appropriate drug dosages
5 * Implementation into clinical practice has been slow.
6 * Genomics data will help in the early stages of drug development, identifying hazards that might not be detectable otherwise.
7 * Multimodal algorithms using clinical (eg, age, sex & BMI) + genetic factors, and other -omic biomarkers, are needed.
8 * HOWEVER, MANY CASES ARE NOT YET READY FOR PRIME TIME!!! But with research, pharmacogenomics will lead to improved human health.