Lecture 18 : Clinical Correlation_Caries Flashcards
What is Caries?
- Infectious Disease
- Multifactorial
- Biofilm, bacteria
What year did the US Public Health Service create the Dental Hygiene Unit?
ECC is ___ times more common than asthma.
5 times
What is AAPD Policy Statement #2?
Teach moms how to brush their baby’s teeth as soon as they come out.
Twice a day
Soft Brush of appropriate size for age
In Children under age 3, a smear of rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste should be used.
In children ages 3-6, a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste should be used.
AAPD Policy Statement #3
Professionally applied flouride varnish for kids at risk of ECC is recommended.
True or False.
Kids whose mothers have higher levels of Step mutans, a result of untreated carries, have a higher risk of acquiring the organism earlier than children whose mothers have low levels.
AAPD Policy Statement #5
Make sure to work with Medical Providers to ensure all infants and toddlers have access to dental screenings, counseling, and preventative procedures.
AAPD Policy Statement #6
Educating Legistlatures, policy makers, and third party payors regarding the consequences of and preventive strategies for ECC .
What is Caries?
Decay and crumbling of the tooth.
What happens in Caries?
Bacteria in the Dental Plaque “eat” the carbohydrates from our diet.
~Bacteria Secrete Acids
~~Acids lower oral pH
~~~ENAMEL demineralizes at pH of 5.5 of below
~~~~This results in Carious Lesion
What happens in Caries?
Bacteria in the Dental Plaque “eat” the carbohydrates from our diet.
~Bacteria Secrete Acids
~~Acids lower oral pH in the saliva
~~~ENAMEL demineralizes at pH of 5.5 of below
~~~~This results in Carious Lesion
Where do caries start to hit (the location)?
~Pit and Fisure,
~~Smooth Surfaces
New Caries =?
New Lesion,
attachs previously INTACT tooth surface
Recurrent Lesion=?
Occurs around the margins of a restoration,
i.e., there used to be a lesion there, you treated it, and then it’s recurred.
Residual lesion=?
Carries left behind before filling a restoration (a filing)
~Sometimes done on purpose to avoid a pulp exposure.
~~Generally we want to get all the carries out especially around the margins of our restorations.
Active vs. Arrested Lesions
Active Lesion = Dull, not shiny
Arrested Lesion (inactive) = Hard, pretty shiny, if nothing is seen radiographically, then it’s an Arrested Lesion. Don’t have to treat Arrested Lesions.
Describing Caries..
White Spot Lesion =
Where the enamel is starting to decalsify
Describing Caries..
Remineralized Area =
Arrested Lesion
Describing Caries..
Incipient/initial lesion =
Just in the enamel, doesn’t have to be treated with a filling yet, or surgically as what we should say. It can be remineralized at this stage because it has not gotten to the Denten
Describing Caries..
Rampant Caries
Carries all over the mouth