Lecture 18: Cell Communication Flashcards
Extracellular signaling molecules bind to specific receptors in target cells to initiate a chain of events referred to as
Signal transduction
External signals induce what 2 major types of responses
- Change in activity or function of enzymes or proteins in the cell (Fast response)
- Change in amounts of proteins by change in expression of genes (slow response)
____ is released from fat and signals hypothalamus that you are full
Types of cell signaling
- Endocrine signaling
- Paracrine signaling
- Autocrine signaling
- Direct Signaling
Endocrine Signaling
- Long distance signaling
- Signal—> bloodstream —-> distant target cells
- Freely diffusible signals
- Long lasting (long half-life in minutes)
- takes time to go through the circulatory system to find a target cell
Paracrine signaling
- Acts locally
- Affects cells nearby (not as freely diffusible)
- Short lived signal
- e.g. neurotransmitters
Autocrine Signaling
- Cells respond to signals that they themselves release or release to cells of the same type
- Cell secretes signal that feeds back and binds to a receptor on its own surface
- e.g. growth factors in cancer cells
Direct cell signaling
- also known as juxtacrine signaling
- e.g. immune cells
- Ag-presenting cells to T cells
Does each cell interpret the combination of all types of signaling to determine actions
Examples of Acetylcholine having different effects on different types of cells (ex. of same ligand-different responses)
- relaxs heart muscle cells
- contracts skeletal muscle cells
- causes the secretion of saliva by salivary gland cells
How does signal Transduction work
what are the componets of the cell signaling cascade
- Signals (ligands)
- Typically secreted by exocytosis (e.g. signal peptide)
- Signals stay near or far
- Receptors
- Bind specifically to signal molecules with high affinity (signals are produced in low levels)
- Effectors
- Targets of receptors inside cells: alter activity of many different proteins and generate 2nd messenger (small diffusible molecules like cAMP and Ca2+)
Cell Signaling: ligands
- can be proteins, small peptides, amino acid derivatives, hydrophobic molecules (steroid hormones like estrogen), and even gases (NO)
- Main categories:
- Small lipophilic molecules: steroid hormones
- water soluble molecules (hydrophilic)
- e.g. growth factors
Examples of Lypophilic (“lipid-loving”) signaling molecules (ligands)
- Steroid hormones: progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, cortisol, aldosterone, vitamin D
- Thyroid hormone: Thyroxine
- Retinoids: retinol, retinoic acid
Receptor location and type for lypophilic (“lipid-loving”) ligands
- Found in the cytoplasm and nucleus
- Family of DNA-binding transcription factors
Examples of hydrophilic (“water-loving”) signaling molecules (ligands)
- Amino acid derived:
- histamine, serotonin, melatonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine
- From lipid metabolism:
- acetylcholine
- Polypeptides:
- insulin, glucagon, cytokines, thyroid-stimualting hormone
Receptor location and type for hydrophilic (“water-loving”) ligands
- Found on the surface of plasma membranes
- includes transmembrane proteins such as G protein-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases
What are the two general types of receptors
- Intracellular receptors
- steroid receptor can have receptor in cytosol (e.g. estrogen) - atlers gene expression in nucleus
- Cell surface receptors
- external domain binds ligand
- transmembrane domain anchors receptor, cytoplasmic domain initiates signal by change in conformation
most signaling molecules are
hydrophilic and require cell-surface receptors