Lecture 15: Analyzing Cell, Molecules and System 1 Flashcards
Cell culture refers to the
removal of cells from an organism, and promote their subsequent growth in a favorable artificial environment
Cell culture overview
- Revive frozen cell population isolate from tissue
- Maintain in culture (aseptic technique)
- Sub-culture (passaging)
- Cryopreservation
Primary cell cultures
- explant, directly form the animal
- usually only survive for a finite period of time
- involves enzymatic and/or mechanical disruption of the tissue and some selection steps to isolate the cells of interest from a heterogeneous population
Established or Continuous Cell lines
- A primary culture that has become immortal due to some transformation
- Most commonly tumour derived, or transformed with a virus such as Epstein Barr
- CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary), SH-SY-5Y (human neuroblastoma derived), Hela (human cervical cancer), K562 (human erythroleukemia ), HEK293 (Human Embryonic Kidney)
most vertebrate cells stop dividing after a finite number of cell divisions in culture, a process called
replicative cell senescence
Divide only a limited number of times losing their ability to proliferate, which is a genetically determined event known as _____; these cell lines are known as finite
Immortalized Cell lines
- Introduction of a viral gene that partially changes the cell cycle regulation (e.g. the adenovirus E1 gene was used ot immortalize the HEK 293 cell line
- Artificial expression of key proteins required for immortality, for example telomerase which prevents degradation of chromosome ends during DNA replication in eukaryotes
Mammalian cells in culture can be divided into 3 basic categories based on their morphology:
- Fibroblastic (or fibroblast-like) cells are bipolar or multipolar, have elongated shapes, and grow attached to a substrate
- Epithelial-like cells are polygonal in shape with more regular dimensions, and grow attached to a substrate in discrete patches
- Lymphoblast-like cells are spherical in shape and usually gorwn in suspension without attaching to a surface
What are the advantages of using cell cultures
- Study of cell behaviour without variations that occur in animal
- Characteristics of cells can be maintained over several generations, leading to good reproducibility between experiments
- Control of the growth environment leads to uniformity of sample
- Cultures can be exposed to reagents e.g. radio-chemicals or drugs at defined concentrations
What are the disadvantages of cell cultures
- Have to develop standardised techniques in order to maintain healthy reproducible cells for experiments
- Takes time to learn aspetic technique
- Quantity of material is limited
- Dedifferentiation and selection can occur and many of the original cellular mechanisms can be lost
- It can be costly depending of the type of cells
What are the applications of cell cultures
- Basic research on cell/gene function
- production of biological products (hormones, proteins, antibodies)
- Testing of drugs, vaccines, chemical toxicity
- Chromosomal or genetic analysis-clinical diagnostics
- Regenerative medicine
Protein Purification is crucial to study the
- Structure and function fo individual proteins
It is challenging to isolate a single protein from thousands of others present in a cell but this is overcome using
- Recombinant DNA technology to overexpress a protein, thereby making purification easier
- Usually purification is started with sub-cellular fractionation in order to reduce the complexity of the material and then more specific purification techniques follow
Purification is normally started with
Sub-cellular fractionation, which reduces the complexity of the material and then more specific purification techniques follow
Cell can be broken up in various ways:
they can be subjected to osmotic shock or ultrasonic vibration, forced through a small orifice, or group up in a a blender. These procedures break many of the mbranes of the cell (including the PM and ER) into fragments that immediately reseal to form small closed vesicles. The suspension of cells is thereby reduced to a thick slurrey (called a homogenate or extract) that contains a varity of membrane enclosed organelles, each with a distincitve size, charge, and density
Preparative ultracentrifuge
- separates different components fo the homogenate by rotating at high speeds
- separates by size and density
- in genral, the largest objects experience the largest centrifugal force and move the most rapidly
after Low speed centrifugation (1000 times gravity for 10 minutes) the pellet (sediment contains)
whole cells, nuclei, and cytoskeletons
after medium-speed centrifugation (20,000 times gravity for 20 mintues) the pellet (sediment) of supernatant the supercontains
mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes
After high-speed centrifugation (80,000 times gravity for 1 hour) the pellet (sediment) of the supernatant contains
microsomes, small vesicles
After ver-high speed centrifugation (150,000 times gravity for 3 hours) the pellet (sediment) of the supernatant contains
ribosomes, viruses, large, macromolecules
equilibrium sedimentation
- used to separate cell components on the basis of their buoyant density, independently of their size and shape.
- forms a series of bands, the bands closer to the bottom contain the components of highest buoyant density
- this method can be used to separate macromolecules that have incorporated heavy isotopes from the lighter isotopes