LECTURE 17 - 'Fishes' part 1 Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of fishes
- There are roughly 28,000 known species of fish today, but many more are being described every year
- Within those 28,000 species there is a huge variation in morphology
What factors influence the morphology of fishes?
- There are many factory involved, but the most important is that FISH SPEND THEIR TIME IN WATER, which imposes or relaxes a number of constraints on basic physiological and morphological traits
How does density influence the morphology of fish?
- Water has a density 800x that of air, and it is 70x as viscous
- These properties select for streamlined shapes that reduce drag and turbulence
- Drag increases with the speed of an object or the current, and is due to the boundary layer around the object changing from laminar to turbulent flow
How does buoyancy influence the morphology of fish?
- Water provides buoyancy support, which means fish don’t require heavy bones to counteract gravity
- Many bony fish posses an internal gas-filled organ called a swim bladder that allows them to control their buoyancy
What are the two different types of swim bladder?
- Physostomous
- Physoclistous
What are the three ways fins can be used as “foils”?
- To rise
- To hold
- To sink
How does the lateral line influence the morphology of fish?
- The density of water also helps fish to detect movement vibration, and pressure gradients in the environment surrounding the animal
- Fish can use the lateral line sensory system to determine the direction and rate of water movement and to orient themselves in a water current (rheotaxis)
How does suction feeding influence the morphology of fish?
- Incompressibility of water allows suction feeding, which is very common in many bony fish
- Suction feeding leads to prey capture through rapid movements that create a drop in pressure in the buccal cavity and cause the water in front of the mouth to rush into the oral cavity, entrapping the prey in its flow
How does depth influence the morphology of fish?
- Low light penetrability: below 1000m there is no light, which restricts productivity to the euphotic zone
- Fish often rely on senses besides eyesight to detect prey and avoid predators
- Many fish can produce their own light through bioluminescence
- Every 10m of depth = 1 atm of pressure
- Selects for watery, incompressible tissue (reduced calcification and muscle)
How does low oxygen availability influence the morphology of fish?
- Very low oxygen saturation relative to air, so gills must be efficient to extract it
- Fish exchange gases by pulling oxygen-rich water through their mouths and pumping it over their gills
- Countercurrent flow in gills
- Exchange is more complete with countercurrent flow
- In the countercurent exchanges, the water is always more saturated than the blood so that a gradient of O2 saturation exists over the full length of exchange surfaces
How does ventilation in the gills work?
- Flow of water over the gills of fishes is maintained by the action of skeletal muscle pumps
- Many active fish ram-ventilate their gills; they open their mouths to ventilate the gills by the forward motion of the body while swimming
What are the physics of swimming?
- against current force = DRAG
- along current force = THRUST
- force pulling down = gravity
- force pushing up = buoyancy and lift
- Roll = when the fish’s body waddles from side to side while swimming
- Yaw = when the fish turns its head from side to side (like shaking your head)
- Pitch = when the fish bobs his head up and down (like nodding in humans)
- Generate thrust/minimize drag
- Generate lift/overcome gravity
- Drag can be reduced by streamlining the body to a low aspect ratio
- Reduce viscous drag by increasing surface smoothness (scale design or loss of scales)
- aspect ratio = a/b
What are the different body/caudal fin propulsion (BCF) names?
- Anguilliform
- Subcarangiform
- Carangiform
- Thunniform
- Ostraciiform
What are the different median/paired fin propulsion (MPF) names?
- Rajiform
- Diodontiform
- Labriform
- Amiiform
- Gymnotiform
- Balistiform
- Tetraodontiform
Describe Anguilliform.
- e.g., moray eel
- Entire body undulates
- Several wavelengths in body
- Inefficient
Describe Subcarangiform.
- e.g. rainbow trout
- Swim with posterior portion of body, less than one wavelength
- Tend toward truncate rounded tails with low aspect ratio (~1.5-2)
Describe Carangiform.
- e.g., Jacks
- Less than half the body flexes
- Generally narrow peduncle, flared and strongly forked tail with high aspect ratio (~3.5)
Describe Thunniform.
- e.g., tuna
- Extremely stiff body
- Narrow peduncle, flared and strongly forked tail with very high aspect ratio (~4-10)
Describe Ostraciiform
- e.g., cowfish
- completely rigid body
- uses just the tail for propulsion
Describe Rajiiform
- e.g., manta ray
- Undulate pectoral fins from front to back
- more than one wavelength present in pectoral fin
Describe Diodontiform
- e.g., pufferfish
- undulate pectoral fins for sculling and maneuvering
Describe Labriform
- e.g., parrotfish
- Oscillate pectoral fins for sculling and maneuvering
Describe amiiform/gymnotiform
- e.g., knifefish
- undulatory waves of dorsal or anal fins
Describe Balistiform
- e.g. triggerfish
- use simultaneous motion of dorsal and anal fins
Describe Tetraodontiform
- e.g., mola mola
- Both dorsal and anal fins oscillate together
What are the different tail designs?
- Hypocercal
- Heterocercal (epicercal)
- Homocercal
What are some non-swimming locomotion styles?
- Jet propulsion (e.g., sculpins)
- Passive drift (e.g., larvae, sargassum fish)
- Flying (e.g., flying fish)
- Leaping (e.g., mullets, tuna, and sailfish)
- Burrowing (e.g., eels, gobies, flatfish, rays)
- Hitchhiking (e.g., remoras, lamprey)
- Walking on land (e.g., mudskippers, walking catfish)
- Walking on the bottom (e.g., sea robins, batfish)
(IN CHORDATA) What are Myxinoidea?
- Hagfish
- 43 species
- Only living animals with a skull but no vertebrae
- Until recently, it was unclear if they lost the vertebral column or represent an evolutionary stage within Craniata that precedes the evolution of vertebrae
- New evidence suggest monophyly of the Cystostomes and thus that hagfish underwent degeneracy since their divergence from other vertebrates
- No jaws, no paired fins
- Average ~0.5m length
- Rudimentary eyes
- Accessory “hearts”
- Mucous production (up to 20L)
- Knot-tying feeding and anti-predator behaviour
- Temperate marine habitat
- Typically benthic (>25m depth)
- Scavengers
(IN CHORDATA) What are Petromyzontoidea?
- Lampreys
- 41 species
- Range from ~10-100cm in length
- No jaws, use “oral disc” instead
- Large eyes, single nostril
- Freshwater or anadromous
- Very distinct larval form (ammocyete)
- About half of species are parasitic as adults, others do not feed as adults