Physiological ecology
The study of the physiologies of organisms with respect to their ecological environments
Biodiversity is more than just the amount of species living in a given area…
It is the combination of morphologies, physiologies and behaviors
the functions of the structures of different organisms and how organisms acquire energy
Core concepts in ecophysiology
- ranges of tolerance
- organisms are complex chemical reactions
- reactions occur at optimal temperatures as well as osmotic conditions
- many mechanisms for homeostasis have evolved for suitability in complex environments
- maintenance of homeostasis requires a lot of energy and is managed by tradeoffs and constraints
Organisms in similar environments…
have similar solutions to their environments (physiologies, morphologies, and behaviours) especially because of convergent evolution
How are an organism’s tolerance levels tested?
We look at their critical temperatures - the point to which they begin to lose certain functions
Thermal tolerance breadth
Number of degrees between maximum and minimum temperature than an organism can withstand
Why do organisms from equatorial regions have lower thermal tolerance breaths?
Due to the fact that there is not great variation in seasonality at the equator, the ability of a large thermal temperature is not required
- cold blooded animals that don’t have the internal processes to regulate a certain temperature but rather do so in behavioural mannerisms
- warm-blooded organisms
- critical to make sure that they have the right range of temperature in their body to ensure adequate survival and living conditions
Modes of heat loss or gain
- Radiation: electromagnetic radiation
- Conduction: heat transfer between the touching of two objects
- Convection: Heat transfer through liquid mediums (gas and air)
- Evaporation
- Redistribution : moving heat from one place to another
Why does size matter for heat balance?
- SA/V ratio
- High SA/V: smaller animal and thus more prone to losing heat to the environment
- Smaller SA/V: larger animal; greater ability to retain heat
Surface Area Provides..
rate of equilibrium (to environment)
Volume provides…
Bergmann’s rule: size matters
Homeotherms tends to be larger and thus have a smaller surface area to volume ratio due to their need to retain the heat from their environment
Animal with a maximum SA/V ratio
chrysopelen gliding snake (found in warm tropical water)
Animal with minimum SA/ V ratio
american pika (lives in extremely cold environment)
Allen’s rule
Shape of appendages also corresponds with an organism’s ability to retain heat
- homeotherms have smaller appendages at higher latitudes as appendages and their increasing size correspond to loss of heat
Countercurrent circulation
- veins return blood from the appendages to core while arteries take the blood from the core to the appendages
- if arteries and veins are very close together, it keeps the blood warm near the core as heat transfers from arteries to veins so that the blood return to the core is also warm
- veins are designed in a way so that no heat is actually lost through this process
- concentration temperature gradient
- lives in extremely cold climates
- however, have considerably large appendage (tail) and SA/V ratio which would be more suitable for an organism in a lower latitude climate
- this is counterintuitive but makes sense with regard to their prey
- prey live in burrows which they will need to get into
- thus haVing the tendency to lose heat (cost) is balanced oUt with the predatory efficiency of this organism (benefit)
being good at x means you can be bad at y
Adaptations work with what variation is available in the population at the time
- thus imperfect design because you have to work with what is available for you to use
Vascularization in appendages
Enables organisms to be better at losing heat to the environment; typical in homeotherms that live in extremely warm environments