Lecture 15 - Hadar Flashcards
Ardipithecus ramidus vs Australopithecus afarensis
* more canines
* smaller
* lack of chin
* slight nuchal crest
* more prognathism
* limited sagittal crest
* large zygomatic process
* large molars - crushing teeth
* more muscle mass in temporalis - more muscle energy
Ar. ram & Au. afarensis in common
- pronounced brow bone
- prognathism
- foramen magnum placed under skull = biped suggestions
Au. afarensis general
- East Africa, 3.9-2.9 ma
- Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia
- best evidence comes from Hadar, Ethiopia
- includes Lucy skeleton
“First family” - many individuals died in relatively sudden period of time
Au. afarensis cranial
- sagittal crest
- small brain size compared to face
- relatively prognathic
- strong nuchal crest for neck muscle attachments
Au. afarensis dental
- reduced canine
- lower 3rd premolar bicuspid
- posterior tooth rows near-parallel
- thicker tooth enamel
- thick enamel suggests diet of nuts, grain, hard fruit pits
- larger cheek teeth
Au. afarensis post cranial
pelvis/femur –> human & Lucy versus chimps
chimps are odd ones out
Au. afarensis arboreal features
- relatively long and curved hand bones
- highly mobile shoulder joints & upwardly oriented shoulder blade
- relatively long upper limbs compared to short lower limbs
Hadar description
extremely close to Aramis, 15 ish miles
geology & fauna of Hadar
- from 3.4 to 2.9 ma
- missing time towards the top because of disconformity surface - half a million years
- jump between disconformity surface is a jump between Aust. and Homo
- disconformity surface: evidence of erosion instead of sedimentation –>
in this case, probably tectonic movement of plates
overlap of modern habitats & fossil sites
- Aus. found throughout entire half million section - able to thrive in all types of environments
Earliest Homo - Ledi Geraru
- nearby site - earliest evidence for Homo at 2.8 Ma
- environment very open, revealed by fauna
Mille Logya
- Barr’s site
- abundant horses & alcelaphin bovids
- very open environment
Mosaic habitats
- big pictures that we are trying to find (of habitat), and using little pieces we can understand the bigger picture
- habitat is made up of heterogenous smaller habitats (fresh grass, mossy grass, coniferous trees, alpine vegetation)
- one environment made up of mosaic of smaller habitats
- should be a default expectation that habits are mosaics - not a surprise that habitats back then have different characteristics
Hadar vs Aramis
- Hadar is vast temporal and spatial scale compared to Aramis
- A. afarensis capable of living in different environmnets and process different foods - ecological generalist
- Aramis = snapshot (where A. ram found) so don’t know if A. ram has same generalization as A. afarensis