lecture 15 Flashcards
diversification of the cambrian explosion
1) climate and distribution of ocean and landmasses have changed through time.
2) taxonomic composition has changed through time as species originate others go extinct.
3) extinction rates have been particularly high at times.
4) diversification rates have also been particularly high at times, often after mass extinctions.
5) diversification brings new species and new morphologies and ecologies.
6) extinct taxa sometimes gets replaced by unrrelated but ecologically similar taxa.
7) over time, the composition of the biota increasingly resembles that of the present.
for the first 150 million years of their evolutionary history (210-65 Ma)
mammals were mostly small-bodied, nocturnal insectivores.
following the K-T extinction
placentals greatly diversified taxonomically, morphologically, and ecologically in less than 10 million years.
evolutionary radiation
rapid burst of taxonomic, morphological, or ecological diversity.
- late branches are long and early branches are short.
tests of mammalian radiation
- maps changes in species richness and body size in mammal fossil record.
- both are greatest right after the K-T boundary.
- supports ecological opportunity following extinction of dinosaurs, but fossil records may be incomplete.
- molecular phylogeny of living mammals suggests that most early divergences occur before the K-T boundary.
- timing corresponds to break up of continents into major landmasses, not extinction of dinosaurs.
- changes in feeding ecology, body size, and richness of multiuberculate mammals.
- dental complexity, taxonomic richness, body size increased 20 myr before K-T.
- radiation possibly due to rise of flowering plants, not extinction of dinosaurs.
what triggers evolutionary radiation? 1)
1) ecological opportunity - unfilled or vacated ecological niches.
- unoccupied region with few competitors and a wide variety of resources to exploit.
- removal of incumbent provides release from competition/predation and open ecospace.
- affects many independent clades with broad geographic or ecologic distribution.
what triggers evolutionary radiation? 2)
2) key innovation - evolution of highly beneficial adaptation.
- enables exploitation of new resource, ecological niche, and further subdivide ecologic space (e.g., aerial nocturnal insectivore).
- possibly co-evolutionary response to other groups.
- affects single clade, often referred to as adaptive radiation.
ecological opporunity and the origin of adaptive radiation:
a) sources of ecological opportunity: key innovation, new habitat, antagonist extinction.
b) release from natural selection.
c) ecological release: increased trait variation, density compensation, broader habitat for resource use.
d) rapid speciation and morphological diversification.
* * adaptive radiation
stages of evolutionary radiation
1) habitat (natural selection)
2) morphology (natural selection)
3) communication (sexual selection)
lineage diversification rate studies
1) estimate diversification parameters.
- speciation rate, extinction rate, net diversification rate.
2) identify significant diversification rate shifts through time.
3) locate significant diversification rate shifts along branches.
4) evaluate correlations between diversification rates and traits.
5) detect significant diversification rate variation across tree.
lineage diversification
the process by which the number of species in a lineage changes.
- speciation (lambda): the birth of new lineages.
- extinction (mu): the death of lineages.
- net diversification (v): lamda - mu
diversification models
- constant pure birth: lambda, mu=0
- generalized pure birth: lambda(t), mu=0
- constant birth-death: lambda and mu, lambda > mu
- generalized birth-death: lambda(t) and mu(t), lambda > mu
testing for adaptive radiation
- did the clade undergo adaptive radiation?
- expect initial diversification to be fast.
- gamma statistic (Y)
constant rates model (testing for adaptive radiation)
- balanced node depths.
- gamma = 0.
early and rapid branching model (testing for adaptive radiation)
- excess of old nodes.
- gamma will be negative.
- evidence for adaptive radiation.
late branching (testing for adaptive radiation)
- excess of young nodes.
- gamma will be positive.
- could also be due to what?
lineage through time plot (LTT)
accumulation of lineages through time.
- species increases exponentially when pure-birth (Yule) process (extinction = 0).
- the slope of the plot is V.
- lineage diversification is stochastic; there is variation.
extinction unlikely to affect
young lineages (no chance to go extinct).
increase in diversification towards the
present = “pull of the present.”
decrease in diversification
over time.
diversity-dependent selection:
- ecological interactions among lineages:
> increase the probability of extinction.
> decrease the opportunity for speciation.
> speciation is inversely proportional to the number of species: r alpha (1/N) - the fewer the species present, the greater the availability of niches and resources. this causes high speciation rates. tightly linked to adaptive radiation.
empirical trends:
1) diversification often slows down with time.
2) diversification may (or may not) be diversity dependent.
3) diversification may (or may not) be adaptive.
4) many clades may be declining in diversity.
5) diversification is generally heterogeneous across lineages.
6) both biotic and abiotic factors influence long-term diversity dynamics.