Lecture 15/16: Cardiovascular System (Part 1) Flashcards
What organs/tissues are affiliated with the cardiovascular system
- extracellular fluid lymphatics (like circulatory system but for extracellular fluid)
- Kidney and spleen
- liver
- lungs
- bone marrow
The right side of the cardiovascular system___
returns deoxygenated blood to heart
The left side of the cardiovascular system___
carries oxygenated blood away from heart
Arteries bring blood ____ the heart
bring blood away from heart
Veins bring blood ____ the heart
bring blood to the heart
What is unique about the pulmonary circuit
- veins bring oxygenated blood to heart and arteries bring deoxygenated blood away
Where is most blood held in the body
- on route to heart in systemic veins and venules
Characteristics of arteries
-thick muscular walls, handle high pressures in arterial blood
Characteristics of Arteriolds
- smaller diameter to regulate blood flow
- less muscle but lots of innervation to control smooth muscle contraction
- main site of blood pressure regulation ***
What are characteristics of capillaries
- no muscle
- does not regulate its dismeter or withstand high pressures
- involved in movement of fluid and solutes (maximize the movement)
- nutrient, waste, fluid exchange at local level
What are characteristics of veins
- thin walled, muscular for easy expansion and recoiling
How does velocity an area influence blood vessels
- high velocity and small surface area = direct, rapid conductance of blood
- low velocity and large surface area= optimal exchange
How do veins move blood against gravity towards heart
pressure gradient between left and right side of heart by:
- expansion of the thoracic cavity during breathing
- contracting skeletal muscles
- valves (preventing blood flowing backwards)
What are Vericose veins
- one way valves malfunction
- allow backwards flow of blood and pooling
- generally in superficial veins in thigh and calf
- generally does not effect overall blood flow to heart
What type of tissue is the heart made out of?