Lecture 14- Thoracic Osteology and Wall Structure Flashcards
Twelve thoracic vertebrae
Twelve pair of ribs and their costal cartilage
Intercostal Muscles
Components that make up the thoracic cage
First thoracic vertebrae
First pair of ribs and costal cartilage
Boundaries of the superior thoracic outlet
Twelfth thoracic vertebrae
Twelfth pair ribs and costal cartilages
Xiphisternal Joint
Larger of the two openings
Boundaries of inferior thoracic outlet
The angle of the sternum where the second rib meets the sternum
Angle of Louis
Superior aspect of the body of the sternum
First Rib
Articulations associated with the manubrium
Symphysis type of join
Manubriosternal Joint
What marks the level of dermatome 6
Xiphoid Process
Ribs 1-7
Vertebrosternal Ribs
Ribs 8-10
Vertebrochondral Ribs
Ribs 11-12
Vertebral Ribs (Floating)
What attaches to the head of the intervertebral disc
Head of the rib
What is the narrow portion between the head and the tubercle
Neck of the rib
What articulates with the transverse process of vertebra with same number
Tubercle of the rib
What is the sternal extremity that takes a downward slope
Shaft of the rib
What takes an upward slope
Costal Cartilage
Why is the first rib important?
Due to its relation to the nerves of the brachial plexus and subclavian vessels
Where is the jugular notch?
Root of the neck
Where is the sternal angle?
Marks the second rib
What sound is heard at the 5th intercostal space around the midclavicular line?
Apex Heartbeat
What sound is heard at the 2nd intercostal space on the right side of the sternum?
Aortic valve heart sound
What sound is heard at the 2nd intercostal space along the left side of the sternum?
Pulmonary Valve Heart Sound
What sound is projected to the 5th intercostal space on the right side of the sternum?
Tricuspid valve heart sound
What sound is projected to the 5th intercostal space about 10 cm left of the sternal midline?
Bicuspid valve heart sound
What is between the sternal angle and the T 4/5 vertebral level?
Bifurication of the trachea
The superior part is marked by the 7th cartilage and the inferior part is marked by the 10th cartilage
Costal margin
What angle is important for CPR and located near the first set of abs?
Infrasternal angle
What line runs directly through the sternum?
Midsternal line
What line runs directly through the middle of the clavicle?
Midclavicular line
What vertical line runs directly through the interior angle of the scapula?
Scapular line
What line projects downward from the anterior axillary fold? What line is formed by lower border of pectoralis major?
Anterior axillary line
What line projects downward from posterior axillary fold and is formed by tendon of Lat Dorsi Muscle?
Posterior axillary line
What line runs right through the axilla?
Mid-Axillary Line
The clavicular and scapular regions of upper thorax are innervated by?
The upper thorax is innervated by?
The Xiphoid process region is innervated by?
The Lower parts of the thorax and lateral/anterior abdominal wall are innervated by?
Where does the medial pectoral nerve arise from?
The medial cord of the brachial plexus
Where does the lateral pectoral nerve arise from?
The lateral cord of the brachial plexus
What intercostals extend from the vertebrae posteriorly to junction of ribs and intercostal cartilages?
External intercostals
What intercostals begin at lateral edge of sternum and extend toward the vertebral column?
Internal Intercostals
What are four or five slips that originate from the inferior sternum and extend superolaterally to internal surface of upper ribs
Transversus Thoracis
This artery branches from the subclavian artery (for ribs 1-2) and the descending aorta (for ribs 3-12)
Posterior intercostal arteries
This artery branches to become the internal thoracic (mammary) arteries
Anterior intercostal arteries
This nerve has twelve pairs and each is derived from the ventral ramus of a spinal nerve
Intercostal nerve
What comes from the internal thoracic artery and goes to the medial part of the mammary gland?
Anterior perforating arteries
What comes from the 2nd-4th anterior perforating arteries and goes to the deep medial part of the mammary gland?
Medial Mammary Rami
What goes from the lateral thoracic artery and goes to the inferior part of the mammary gland?
Lateral mammary artery
What goes from the lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal arteries and goes to the lateral part of the mammary gland?
Lateral mammary rami