lecture 14: hockey Flashcards
radius of contour is aka what (informal)
what happens if you have an increased radius of contour
increase blade to ice contact which may increase skating speed
what happens if you have a decreased radius of contour
decreased blade to increase contact which may increase agaility
increase blade to ice contact which may increase skating speed or agility
skating speed
decrease blade to ice contact which may increase skating speed or agility
what happens if you have a decreased radius of hollow
increased grip of blade on ice which can decrease speed
a decreased radius of hollow can be both beneficial and not, explain
it can increases stopping and turning but decrease speed
what happens if you have a increase radius of hollow,
it will feel less sharp
an increased radius of hollow feels more or less sharp
less sharp
what are the 4 skating skills
what are the two many phases of stride
support and swing
what are the sub phases of support phase
glide and push off
what is the sub phase of recorvery
when does the blade come off the ice
after push off and end of supprt
support phase of skating takes what percentage
glide takes up what percentage of support phase
what is the movement of hip joints during skating
ice contact: hip flexion
at the end of support/by push off: full hip extension and external rotation
swing: hip is in flexion and internal rotation to bring leg in front of body for another stride
what is movement of knee joint during skating
same as hip
what is movement of ankle joint during staking
ice contact: dorsi and pronated
mid support: neutral pronation
push off: plantar and pronation (to push off)
swing: dorsi and supinated (to clear ice)
what are the key differenced between real ice and skating treadmill
real ice has lower friction coefficient than treadmill
similar gross movement patterns
stride rate, vo2 and heart rate are higher on treadmill
what are key differences between real ice and synthetic
synthetic:more knee extension
real :lower coefficient of friction
both: same general patterns
what are the sex differences in skating
males: more flexion and abduction
females: more extension
both: no significant differences in vertical and side to side displacements, or skating step width
what are the two techniques for backwards skating
c cut technique
explain crossover
requires considerable lateral deviation
explain c cut technqieu
involves continuous double support and alternating thrust and glide phase
explain how forward skating velocity is greater than backwards
at propulsion, forward skating results in significantly greater extension moment and hip, knee and ankle (weight accetance is similar)
what are the 3 skating starts
crossover starts
forward skating starts
thurst/glide t starts
what is the difference between forward skating start and just stead skating
more muscle activation during acceleration vs just steady skate (males generate more, women do more knee extension)
what is the main difference between novice and pro for forward skating starts
high caliber have a shorter skate contact time which can make them faster
explain angular skating
significant lean
centre of mass is outside base of support
what is the difference between pro and novice in angular skating
novice used more plantar surface versus medial and lateral for pro
explain difference between novice and pro in skating stops
HC completed stop phases slower and more stable (less forward lean)