Lecture 14 - Cardiovascular system Flashcards
Heart chamber names?
Left and right atria
Left and right ventricles
Fluid mechanics of the heart?
Blood is pumped through the chambers, aided by four heart valves.
The valves open and close to let the blood flow in only one direction.
The heart behaves as a pump that propels blood through blood
Blood path through the heart?
- Vena Cava
- Right atrium
- Right ventricle
- Pulmonary artery
(lungs) - Pulmonary vein
- Left atrium
- Left ventricle
- Aorta
Role of vortices in the heart?
Play an important role in cardiac function.
Keep blood in motion, and avoid excessive dissipation of energy.
Systolic vs diastolic blood pressure?
Systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood in the artery
when the heart contracts (higher number in a blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood in the artery
when the heart relaxes between beats (lower number in a blood
pressure reading)
Explain how capillaries have smooth continuous flow.
Capillaries require smooth flow for exchange of substances.
Arteries are elastic and extensible and dampen the pulsatile systolic output of the ventricles.
This enables continuous flow in the capillaries.
Windkessel model?
Describes relationship between blood pressure and blood flow in the aorta or PA.
Arterial system viewed as a reservoir which cushions the pulsatile blood flow.
Aorta represented by an elastic chamber.
Peripheral blood vessels represented by a rigid tube of constant resistance.
Elastic chamber volume change is proportional to pressure.
Inflow partially distends elastic chamber, partially sent to peripheral vessels.
Windkessel equation?
Q = c * dp/dt + p/R
p - blood pressure in elastic chamber
Q - inflow from left ventricle
R- constant resistance of peripheral vessels
C - constant ratio: pressure to volume (compliance)