Lecture Flashcards
You treat denial by ____?
You treat denial by confronting it
What are the stages of grief ?
Denial Anger Bargining Depression Acceptance
Wernicke’s(Korsakoff’s) Syndrome is only for
Wernicke’s(Korsakoff’s) Syndrome is
What happens to the client ?
This is a form of what ?
This neurological disorder
Psychosis induced by Vi tamin B1 (Thiamine) deficiency
So client loses touch with reality because they have a vitamin deficiency
This a form of Dementia
primary symptom of WKS
amnesia with confabulation (making up stories) they believe
the lie..
You will not metabolize the Alcohol you drink without____?
Vitamin b1
Without vitamin b1 alcohol stays in the blood and raise to toxic level and ____
Destroy brain function
Characteristics: i. Preventable 1. ii. Arrestable 1. iii. Irreversible 1.
i. Preventable
1. By giving B1 vitamins
ii. Arrestable
1. Can stop from getting worse- not imply better
iii. Irreversible
1. Dementia symptoms don’t get better—only worse
Dementia goal should be never improvement! The goal is ____?
Maintenance or slowing further Deterioration
Revia /Disulfiram (drugs used for ??? And is what kind of therapy ????
drugs used for alcoholism
And aversion therapy
(naltrexone) use for
Aversion Therapy
Signs of alkalosis
Tachycardia • Tachypnea • Diarrhea • Tremors • Seizure • Hyperreflexia • Agitated
Borborygmi (↑ bowel sounds) • Hypertension • Palpitations • Tetany • Anxiety/Panic • Poly
S/S of acidosis
Bradycardia • Bradypnea • Hypotension • ↓ lucidity • anorexia • coma • lethargy
cardia arrest
• suppressed, decreased, falling
High Pressure Alarms are triggered by
High Pressure Alarms are triggered by ↑ resistance to air flow and can
be caused by obst ruct ions of three types
3 type of high pressure obstructions
a. Kinked Tube
i. NRS ACTION: Unkink i t
b. Water in tubing (caused by condensat ion)
i. NRS ACTION: Empty i t /Remove H2O
c. Mucus in ai rway
i. NRS ACTION: Turn, C&DB; only use suct ion if C&DB fails, as a last resort
Low Pressure Alarms are triggered by ↓
Low Pressure Alarms are triggered by ↓ resistance to air flow and can
be caused by disconnections
2 types of disconnections with low pressure alarms
caused by disconnections of the main tubing or oxygen sensor tubing
How do we fix disconnections?
(reconnect it UNLESS tube is on t
the floor - bag them &; call Respiratory therapist if this happens)
Respiratory alkalosis = ventilator setting may be too ____.
Respiratory acidosis = ventilator setting may be too ____.
Respiratory alkalosis = ventilator setting may be too high.
Respiratory acidosis = ventilator setting may be too low.
You don’t confront loss & grief . You_____?
Support it
What is the number one problem with any type of abuse?
1 problem = denial refusal to accept the reality of a problem
The second problem with any type of abuse is
co-dependency calls the boss… (______?)
2 problem = dependency *when the abuser get the significant other to do something
co-dependency calls the boss… (positive self esteem)
abuse =
loss =
abuse = confront loss = support
manipulation =
manipulation = when the abuser gets the significant other to do things for him or her… the
nature of the act is dangerous or harmful
What does “wean” mean?
What does “wean” mean? gradually decrease with the goal of getting off altogether
How do you treat dependency?
- Set boundary (limits) and enforce them. Agree inadvance on what requests are allowed then enforce
the agreement - Work on the self-esteem of the codependent
Learn to say no
How do you treat manipulation
- Set limits and enforce
2. Its easier to treat than dependency/codependency because nobody likes to be manipulated
(disulfiram is for ___?
(naltrexone) is used for ___?
What is aversion therapy
It can treat problem drinking by creating an unpleasant reaction to alcohol. It’s used in recovery
programs that include medical supervision and counseling
What it the Onset and duration of effectiveness of anatbuse/revia ?
2 weeks
*Take drugs 2 weeks and builds up in blood to a level that when drinking alcohol will become horribly sick; if off for two
weeks, will be able to drink without sickness again
Patient teaching:for Antabuse/revia avoid NAUSEA, VOMITING & DEATH
What 9 things should they stop taking
Patient teaching: Avoid ALL forms of alcohol to avoid nausea,
vomi t ing, and possibly death, including:
- )Mouthwash
- )aftershave
- ) Hand sanitizer
- )perfumes/cologne,
- )insect repellant.
- )elixirs
- ) uncooked icing (vanilla extract)
Every abused drug is either an upper or a downer…
*_______ (not upper or downer) but can be abused by the ______?
Every abused drug is either an upper or a downer…
*Laxative (not upper or downer) but can be abused by the elderly
Name 6 upper drugs
- )Caffeine
- )Cocaine
- ) PCP/LSD (Psychedelic hallucinogens)
- ) Methamphetamines-speed
- ) ADHD- adderrall/Ritalin
- )Bath Salts (Cath-Kath)
Upper Signs/symptoms: things go up… euphoria, tachycardia, restlessness, irritibility, diarhhea, reflex
3/4, spastic - suction!!!
2.) Hypertension
3.) Diarrhea,
4.)Agitation, restlessness,
9.)Exaggerated, shrill, high pitched cry
10.)Difficult to console
11.) euphoria,
14.) reflex 3/4, spastic - suction!!!
Name 3 downers
Everything that’s not a upper like -
heroin, alcohol, marijuana,
S & s of drowners
- )Bradycardia
- )Hypotension
- ) Constipation
- )Constricted pupils •
- ) Respiratory arrest
- )Decreased core body temp
- ) Flaccidity
Overdose =
Too much
Not enough
If they say: “overdosed on an upper” (too much ____)… pick ____ things!!
If they say: “overdosed on an upper” (too much upper)… pick ↑ things!!
If they say: “downer &; intoxication” (too much ________)… pick ___ things!!
If they say: “downer & intoxication” (too much DOWNER)… pick ↓ things!!
Withdraw form a downer and everything goes
Withdraw from upper and everything goes
2 situtions of uppers and downers (highest priority) =
Respiratory depression/arrest:=
Respiratory depression/arrest: Downer overdose/upper withdrawal..
Seizure: Upper overdose/downer withdrawal
What do you assume with drug addiction in newborns 24hours after birth ??? Intoxication or withdrawals
Always assume intoxication (first 24 hours after birth), then after this time, assume withdrawal