Lecture 13: The Great Dying Flashcards
How long is the boundary between the paleozoic & the mesozoic AND the permian and the triassic?
254.1 Ma
As we leave the permain species diversity and community complexity…
After the extinction event…
reached the most diverse communities ever existed
that kind of diversity would not be reached again until many millions of years later (until the cretaceous, 125 million years later)
Fossil record in triassic compared with permian?
Very few fossils are found, and of those very low diversity on land & sea.
Life had been decimated by the late Permian extinction…
50% of marine families, ~90% of species lost
even worse on land: ~75% of families, 95% species lost
As a consequence of this extinction event , the nature of the early Triassic record is quite different from that which proceeds it.
Certain things don’t occur in the geological cycle…
No coral reef for about 7 8 My as we cross this boundary.
‘chert’ gap for same time.
‘coal’ gap (no coals being deposited) for about 10my
Where is a global P/Tr reference section?
Meishan, China
Groups lost during the great extinction…
Groups lost: 100% blastoid echinoderms 100% rugose corals 100% tabulate corals 100% acanthodian fish and… 100% trilobites 100% eurypterids …but both had already dramatically declined before P/Tr
Marine sediments say…global ocean anoxia
In the deep sea, limestones and red cherts disappear
replaced by black mudstones
boundary sediments rich in Corg and pyrite (FeS2): indicators of anoxia
extreme anoxia (euxinia) extended into Photic zone: biomarkers for photosynthetic sulphur bacteria
Benthos decimated by low bottom H2O oxygen levels (part of reason for extinction).
Isotope excursions in marine and terrestrial successions
δ18O shows global temperature rise of 6 ºC
δ13C drops: too big to represent just a drop in global primary productivity? Something else must be driving it as well.
The marine realm was very hostile…
Sustained late Permian stratified ocean with upper euxinic layer (precipitating iron sulphide in the water column)
Hot and acid seas present before the isotope excursions
Oceans 15 °C at poles - warm deep polar water
Reduced pole-equator temperature gradient
The terrestrial biota is more than decimated…
Only mass extinction to significantly affect insects
Gymnosperm-dominated Glossopteris floras disappeared
2/3 of amphibians, reptiles and mammal-like reptiles lost
Top predators (gorgonopsians) died out
most large vertebrates disappeared
What terrestrial sediments say…
Coals disappear
Green Permian mudstones replaced by Triassic sands/conglomerates
Slow deposition by meandering rivers Switches to rapid deposition by braided rivers
Soils indicate high temperatures & low oxygen conditions at high latitudes
Evidence for rapid soil erosion
Welcome to the ‘boring’ Early Triassic…
After extinction event: Marine
From high diversity, complex Permian seas to low diversity Triassic faunas
Populated globally by 4 ubiquitous genera….
Claraia (a ‘paper’ scallop) : the most cosmopolitan bivalve fauna ever
All dysaerobic (low O2) taxa
Dicynodonts here, there and everywhere
Lystrosaurus dominates earliest Triassic land faunas: up to 90%
A cosmopolitan post-extinction disaster species
A world dominated by herds of a slow plant-grubbing herbivores
Other dicynodont survivors
small, heavily built, barrel chested, short internal nostrils
all adaptations for burrowing in dry, dusty, arid environments
tusks for grubbing (cf., the Siberian Marmot)
the new Triassic species developed an upright gait
A global early Triassic ‘disaster flora’
devastated vegetation dominated by small weedy survivors, many lycopods
e.g., quillworts
devastated vegetation dominated by small weedy survivors, many lycopods
e.g., quillworts
So what produced all these diverse phenomena?
extra-terrestrial impact?
volcanic eruptions?
methane release from seafloor?
or combination of more than one event?
Siberian Traps: a coeval volcanic event
extraordinarily massive phase of volcanism 4 million km2, 15x UK in size 3.5 km thick pile of lava extraordinarily massive phase of volcanism 4 million km2, 15x UK in size 3.5 km thick pile of lava = 3m thick across whole globe duration of eruptions ~0.6 - 1 My starting ~249 Ma
Effects of eruptions
explosive fissure eruptions release CO2 + SO2
ash and sulphuric acid aerosols in the atmosphere reduced sunlight
produced short-term ‘volcanic winter’
BUT CO2 increase (doubled?) produced long-term greenhouse effect
up to 8 °C temperature rise in low latitudes
Explaining the δ13C excursion
even volcanic CO2 at -7 ‰ wouldn’t produce the magnitude of the -ve excursion
adding all dead organic carbon (-25-30 ‰) after extinction, still wouldn’t produce excursion
Frying tonight!
hydrates are common in tundra regions & continental shelves where temps low &/or pressure high
if global temperatures rose due to input of volcanic CO2, clathrates break down, release CH4
potent greenhouse gas: amplifies global warming
CH4 then oxidizes to long-lived CO2: extreme greenhouse warming
confirmed by climate modelling
The marine scenario…
volcanic dust & SO2 perturbed environment
CH4/CO2 triggered global warming, reduced equator-pole climatic gradient
global ocean circulation slowed, oxygen content of sea reduced as temperature
oceans stagnated, become anoxic, nutrient-rich, stratified, with free H2S
productivity crashed
Life’s a gas
CO2 atm crashed Dev- Carb: plants locking it up in soils/coals
whilst O2 atm) reached maximum in Carboniferous
but by end Permian: CO2atm rose due to erosion of coals and massive, sustained volcanism
O2 plummeted as CO2 , more lost through oxidation of CH4
On land…
eruptions cause short term cooling but long term warming
hot humid conditions: monsoons
volcanic gases break down ozone layer & produce acid rain
plants begin to die off: fewer plants, accelerated erosion
…and as O2 levels decline, animals begin to die off
Gasping for breath
more CO2 & higher ºC : mammal-like reptile physiology had a higher O2 demand
but O2 was decreasing rapidly
result: “altitudinal compression”
Permian O2 concentration at sea level = to life at 5 km altitude today
most animals would have had to live at low altitudes
small burrowing dicynodonts were pre-adapted to low O2 (hypoxia) and high CO2 (hypercapnia)
A brand new world…?
a second early Triassic extinction
a long recovery period, then life radiated in quite a different pattern
bivalves filled brachiopod niche
scleractinian corals occupied rugose niche
fauna, flora and community structures take on a more ‘modern’ form
scleractinian corals occupied rugose niche
fauna, flora and community structures take on a more ‘modern’ form