Lecture 11: The Carboniferous Massive: the great coal swamps. Flashcards
Devonian saw…
plants develop from low herbs to woody trees
~10m high: first forests
when did woody trees die out?
At Devonian/ Carboniferous boundary
Forests did not re-establish until
Mid Carboniferous
In late Devonian, landmasses were…
southerly, arid
By Carboniferous the landmasses had moved towards
the Equator & had become tropical and humid
vast thicknesses of warm water limestones (e.g. Carboniferous Limestones of Peak District, Cheddar Gorge, etc.)
Plants were causing…
the climate to change…
Vast lowland coastal areas became
plants (+ lignin + charcoal) were locking up
CO2atm as Corg
By mid Carboniferous
what plummeted?
what soared?
CO2atm plummeted, and O2atm soared
glaciation: Sn. polar ice cap
Carboniferous =
“Coal bearing”
Sea-level dropped and so exposed more…
lowland areas for plants to colonise
plant material became preserved in the rock record as coal
‘Coal Measures’ have been exploited for ~400 yrs
‘swamp’ =
lowland containing woody plants, fed by groundwater (e.g., rivers)
Coal can’t be produced in delta-top swamps as…
Too little organic carbon (‘peat’) can build up to produce the thickness of coal seen in the Carboniferous
Rivers switch channels laterally: cover swamps with sediment before enough peat can build up
Rajang Delta in Sarawak (Borneo)
Huge thicknesses of organic matter build up in raised mires, built up above the land/water table level
Wet conditions due to rainfall, not river supply (‘ombrotrophic – rain-fed - mires’)
More peat built up during Carboniferous glacial phases (than in interglacials)
Rivers incised and sediment load bypasses mires