Lecture 13 - Decision Making in Teams Flashcards
What are three types of decisions?
- Individual clinical decision
- Team clinical decision
- Team management decision
The difference between a management decision and a clinical decision is that _________
management decisions do not pertain to a particular patient but rather how the team does its work
What are the four models for Decision Making in Teams
- Strong central authority
- Voting
- Unanimous agreement
- Consensus
Decision Making
Strong Central Authority
- Decision made without team deliberation
- Often made in time sensitive situations like trauma
- Appropriate for situations of high risk in which rapid action is required to achieve desirable results or avoid serious adverse outcomes
Decision Making
- Typically the option that wins the plurality of votes is the chosen option
- This is the most commonly used strategy in decision making
- Plurality will be the largest number of votes counted whether that is the majority or not
(Other options: each voter can be asked to rate each option on a scale, say, of 1 to 10. The ratings can then be averaged across all voters, and the option with the highest average rating is declared the winner. Or, the option with the highest median rating can be declared the winner.)
Decision Making
Unanimous agreement
Unanimous Agreement that requires all team members to reach same conclusion on the matter
When is strong central authority for decision making good?
Appropriate for situations of high risk in which rapid action is required to achieve desirable results or avoid serious adverse outcomes
What is another option to voting?
Other options: each voter can be asked to rate each option on a scale, say, of 1 to 10. The ratings can then be averaged across all voters, and the option with the highest average rating is declared the winner. Or, the option with the highest median rating can be declared the winner.
Decision Making
The system in which the option with the most votes wins
What are some strengths and weaknesses for “Voting” decision making?
- Does not measure conviction
- Sometimes a complacent majority can overrule a passionate minority and create resentment
- Rapid, simple method
- Does not heavily invest a single person
What are some strengths and weaknesses for “Unanimous Agreement”
- Forces team members to listen to each other and find alternatives that work for everyone
- Builds support for implementation of the decision
- Team may not be able to make a decision
- Can create a time demanding process that ends in stale-mate
What does consensus mean in regards to “Decision Making”?
- Relaxed version of unanimous agreement
- Does not require positive affirmation from all team members but rather acceptance
- “agreement by general acceptance rather than positive affirmation”
- Allows for team members to voice their opposition but still being willing to accept it
Choosing a Method for Making Decisions:
Extreme urgency/high risk
Strong central authority
What method of decision making would a template team use?
Strong central authority
What method of decision making would a True team use?
Teams can change their decision making
- Consensus often switches to voting or unanimous decision
- When ill effects or high risk for some team members will result from one or more of the choices being considered
What are the six decision making hazards?
- Allowing Personality Factors, Status, or Hierarchy to Interfere with Deliberation (Strong personalities can suppress other’s opinions)
- Production Blocking (Nascent ideas can be swept under the rug, adequate time not given to think them through (listening prevents new thoughts)
- Group Polarization (Discussion often intensifies viewpoints. Also makes groups more likely to make more extreme decisions (either taking more risk or being more cautious)
- Hidden Profile (Refers to the phenomenon that more attention is paid to info that is already widely shared with the group prior to the beginning of the discussion)
- Defensive routines (Habits of thought and discussion that serve to protect the self-esteem of team members and the status quo in a team. Ex:: assigning blame or downplaying negative outcomes)
- Groupthink (Agreement that occurs because the team values consensus more highly than it values coming to a good decision)
List five Methods for Improving Decision Making
- Using Evidence (Provides guidance for clinical practice as well as common ground amongst specialties)
- Constructive Controversy (Clearly opposing sides must be involved. Solutions assigned to various team members who must generate arguments in favor of the proposed solution and synthesize what they have learned so that both sides can come to an agreement)
- Devil’s Advocacy (A team member critiques either a particular point of view or all viewpoints on the topic. Note: This person does not actually have to believe what they are saying)
- Encouragement of Minority Viewpoints
- Negative Brainstorming (Once a decision has been made, the team must think of all the reasons they should NOT do it)
Define creativity vs. innovation
Creativity is the generation of novel ideas, plans, and solutions to problems
Innovation is the application of creativity in the form of a new product or service
(1. Creativity is not a required characteristic of teams
2. Creativity often used in management teams
3. For healthcare teams, creativity can avoid groupthink , premature consensus, and suppression of novel ideas)
Team Creativity vs Individual Creativity
- A team of creative individuals may not be a creative team if individual creativity is stifled
- Having a creative leader does not ensure a creative team
Bottom line: implement processes that support team creativity
Some suggestions:
individual behaviors are questioning, observing others, experimenting, and networking
Find outside interests, diversity searches for solutions to problems , be adaptable and open to new Ideas
What is the basis for creativity?
Being able to make associations across seemingly unrelate ideas