lecture 13 Flashcards
DESCRIBE symmetry argument ex - coins
single coin flip
usually can assume that 1/2 for heads and tails
describe numerical probability - for equally likely sample outcomes
S = finite, N sample outcomes, equally likely
for elementary events E1,E2,…,EN we have P (Ei)= 1/N I = 1,…,n
FOR A some or all in S =
P (A) = number of sample outcomes in A/number of sample outcomes in S = n/N
DESCRIBE symmetry argument ex - dice
for one event = P(Ei) = 1/6
for even = E2 union E4 union E6 so P(A) = 3/6 = 1/2
when not equally likely what do we use for probably
relative frequency
descrive relative frequency
define P(A) by considering the relative frequency
with which event A occurs in a long sequence of repeated
identical experiments
N repeated experiments
n is number of times/N that A occurs (like calc limit)
FREQUENTIST def of probability
describe frequentist def - thumbtack ex
keep tossing and eventually will learn probabilities
Is it always possible to consider an infinite sequence of repeats
ex = millionth digit of pi
can only be a number from 0-9
rules for counting operations
A sequence of k operations, in which operation i can result in ni possible outcomes can result in n1 x n2 x … nk
possible sequence of outcomes
ex = any number from 0-9
give ex of counting operations - gen
2 dice rolled = 6x6 = 36 possible outcomes
k=5, any numbers between 1-100 = 100^5 possible outcomes
k= 11, players of sport, 25x24x23… = PLAYERS cannot be picked twice
describe selecting with replacement
each successive selection can be one of original set, regardless of previous selections
describe selecting without replacement
set is depleted by each successive selection
describe permutations
ordered arrangement of r objects
number of ways of ordering r objects selected, without replacement =
= n!/(n-r)!
describe combinations
number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time is the number of subsets of size r that can be formed
= (n
= n!/r!(n-r)!
i.e. we choose r from n
describe number of possible selections of r objects
in sequence without replacement
= n!/(n-r)!
leaving (n-r) objects unselected
describe number of possible selections of r objects - if order of selected objects not important in identifying combo we must have that
pnr = r! x cnr
there are r! equivalent combos that yield same permutation
r! turns unordered selection into ordered
describe binary sequences
if take 1 = inclusion and 0 = exclusion then we can identify combos with binary sequence
the number of binary sequences of length n containing r 1s is
n choose r
describe how to compute probabilities in case of equally likely outcomes
S: complete list of possible sequences of selections.
A: sequences having property of interest.
P (A)= nA/nS
use counting rules to count A & S