lecture 11 Flashcards
why do we collect data in statistical studies
to learn about real world phenomena
what is issue with statistical studies
can only collect finite sample of data
cannot tell us everything about system being studied
need to develop tools that let us talk about uncertainty associated with lack of complete information
what does probability do
represents uncertainty and handles variability
describes nature of variability
how sample varies and what we can learn about population
what do we recognize when we collect data
subject to variability =
measurement variability - using instrument to measure things
variability due to small changes in experimental condiitons
give ex = repeated coin tosses
5 sequences of 10 tosses of fair coin
number of heads recorded is different for each sequence
outcome is variability
population= potentially infinite number of sequences of length 10
Probability helps describe and do calculations
what is uncertainty
corresponds to a lack of perfect knowledge
what could uncertainty be a consequence of
incomplete observation of system
unpredictable variation
simple lack of knowledge of state of nature (that we try to measure)
describe - consequence of uncertainty - lack of knowledge of the state of nature
current state that is imperfectly observed
future state that is the result of a study yet to be carried out
give ex: uncertain states of nature
outcome of single coin toss - outcome unknown since has not happened yet
milionth digit of pi - do not know off top of head
height of building i am in - fixed number but do not know right now
number of people in campus now
temp at noon tmr = have not observed it yet
describe millionth digit of pi
fixed number but unless we know its value we are still in state of uncertainty when asked to asses it
we have lack of perfect knowledge
give ex of uncertainty = coin tossing
2 possible results = heads or tails
outcome of toss uncertain before toss the coin, and after i toss the coin until i see the result
give ex of uncertainty = thumbtack tossing
2 outcomes = point down or up
outcome uncertain before i toss thumbtack and after until i see resuslt
what is probaility
numerical assessment of chance of a particular set of circumstances
chance of a particular event occurring given a particular set of circumstances
describe term experiment
some situation that generates multiple possible outcomes
carry our an operation, make measurements etc
what do we aim to do for an experiment
identify possible outcomes that could result
assign numerical values to collections of possible values to represent the chance that will coincide with actual outcome
lay out rules for how the numerical values can be manipulated
basic concepts in set theory = set S
a set S is a collection of individual elements, such as S
we write s is one of the elements of S
name what S may be
list of animals
closed intervals
any collection of possible outcomes
may be finite, countable or uncountable
describe finite S
finite number of elements 1,2,3,4,5
describe countable S
infinite number of elements that can be listed
describe uncountable S
contains an infinite number of elements that cannot be listed
all values on continuum between 0 and 100
describe A (subset of S)
A is a subset of S if it contains some, all or none of elements of S
what is a empty set
subset that contains no elements
what are 3 basic operations to manipulate sets
what is the intersection
intersection of 2 sets A and B is the collection of elements that are elements of BOTH A and B
s is a ELEMENt of A intersection B
means that s is in A and s is in B
for any A,B some or all in S
A intersection empty set = empty set
A intersection S= A
A intersection B = some or all in A
A intersection B = some or all in B
what is union
union of 2 sets A B is set of distinct elements that are either in A or in B or in BOTh A and B
s is an element of A union B
means s is in A or s is in B or s is in the union of A and B
for any A,B some or all in S
A union empty set = A
A union S = S
A some or all in A union B
B some or all in A union B
describe complement
Complement of set A= collection of elements of S that are not elements of A
s is in A^C means s is in S but s NOT IN A
we have for any A that… (complement)
A intersection A^c = empty set
A union A^c = S
(A^c)^c = A (elements not not in A are those elements in A)
describe Extensions of intersections
(A ∩ B) ∩ c = A ∩ B ∩ C
ALL elements in A, B and C
describe Extensions of unions
(A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ B ∪ C
element of A,B or C, or any combo of 3 sets
describe Extensions of intersections and unions
A ∪ (BC) = (A ∪ B) (A ∪ C)
in A or B and A or C
A ∩ (B ∪ C) = (A ∩ B) ∪ (A ∩ C)
in A and B or A and C
describe partitions and name types
we call A1,A2,…,Ak a partition of S if these sets are pairwise disjoint (mutually exclusive) or exhaustive
describe partitions - pairwise disjoint
no overlap or intersection of pairs of elements
Aj ∩ Ak = empty set for all j not equal K
describe partitions - exhaustive
when take union get S
union of all A
A’s cover whole of S but do not overlap
every s in S is an element of precisely one of Ak