Lecture 13 / 14 - Diagnosis 'them and us' Flashcards
What happened in the study where individuals with schizophrenia talked with research assistants?
The social functioning of the participants deteriorated when they thought their conversational partner knew their diagnosis.
THEREFORE social skill impairment may not be caused solely by the “disorder”, but from feelings of being stereotyped.
What is the competence/deviance balance
If you are (or are perceived to be) highly competent, then you may be allowed to be deviant to a greater degree, for example get out of social obligations
Is the DSM unbiased?
Potentially not, as in America you must have a diagnosis in order to get funding for treatment – therefore DSM might be funded by drugs and insurance companies
Cue word: Arbitrary
The point at which symptoms become frequent, distressing, or dangerous enough to receive a diagnosis is arguably arbitrary.
Cue word: Cross-culturally
The DSM is written by Western Psychologists so what may be categorised as “abnormal” in our culture could be normal in others, therefore not a disorder