Lecture 12: Small Ruminant Viruses Flashcards
What is virus induced transformation and how does it happen?
- Transformation: normal cell turning into neoplastic cell
o Genetic changes in: cell proliferation/differentiation/apoptosis
o Proto-oncogenes (promote growth), tumor suppressor genes (rregulate protooncogenes) - Oncogenic viruses: viruses that lead to tumor formation
What is the agent causing ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma
Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (OPA)
* Many names: Jaagsiekte
* Agent: Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus
What is the mechanism of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma
- Mechanism: epithelial cells in bronchioles and alveoli (type 2 pneumocytes)/lymphocytes/myeloid cells
o Carry oncogene (E – protein, envelope protein) - Pathogenesis: go to lung and infect type 2 pneumocytes
o Infect lymphoid and myeloid cells
o Virus replicate and express E-protein
Transform type 2 pneumocytes
o Tumor growth and metastasis to LN +/- 2 infection
o Increased fluid production in lung (from tumors) – excrete into environment
o Large tumors and necrosis and death
Where is ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma located
- Prominent worldwide: NA/Asia/Africa/SA – wherever there are sheep (except Iceland and Australia/NZ)
What does ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma target and what are the clinical signs
- Target: sheep <7-9mo
- Clinically: in sheep >2yo (2-4yo) fatal after onset of clinical signs
o In recently infected flocks = higher mortality (30-80%)
o Flocks infected for a while = lower mortality (1-5%)
o Dyspnea/ cough – chronic respiratory signs
o Large amounts of clear frothy fluid
o Progressive weight loss
o Wheelbarrow test: lift hind legs and lower head to collect respiratory fluid
Does not detect all sheep with tumors (must be productive/later stage) = negative doesn’t mean free of disease
o Carriers are subclinical
How is ovine respiratory adenocarcinoma transmitted
- Transmit: respiratory via aerosol/droplet or milk/colostrum
o Infected animals are lifelong carriers
o Incubation 3-36mo
What are the histologic and gross features of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma
- Histo: IHC and IF visualize viral proteins (evidence of viral replication via detecting viral proteins)
o Antibody detect via ELISA
o Antigen detect via ELISA - Gross: frothy trachea and nares
o Enlarged and edematous lungs (fail to collapse)
o Focal to diffuse bulky mass
o Between normal lung architecture and tumor (potentially abscesses in tumors if 2nd infection)
o Enlarges bronchial and mediastinal LN (10% contain metastasis)
How is ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma diagnosed and treated
- Dx:
o Clinical: not certain because there can be 2nd infection confounding
o Lab:– use BAL fluid for RTPCR
No serology - Ig’s to this virus not detected in serum (b/c no immune response - Tx: none
o No immune response because there are endogenous retrovirus elements in thee sheep genome = cannot develop vaccine because it will induce autoimmune rxn - Prevention: most animals can carry without clinical signs
o Test + quarantine prior before introducing into flock (but incubation is long time)
o Single age herd preferable (prevent introducing new infected)
o Hand raise lambs with milk replacer (because it is transmitted by milk)
What is another name for Maedi-Visna and what type of virus is it
Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP)
* Lentivirus – retrovirus
How is Maedi-Visna transmitted and what are the clinical signs
- Clinically: most subclinical but some develop fatal disease
o Dyspnea (Maedi)
o Neurologic signs (Visna)
o Reduced milk prod - Transmit: respiratory/colostrum
What are the gross features of Maedi-Visna infections
- Gross: lungs fail to inflate and contain coalescing multifocal gray-white nodules + atelactic nodules in parenchyma
o Lung – swollen and heavy/not deflated
o and trachea – thickened mucosa
What are the 2 types of Maedi-Visna infection
- Visna form: rare - fatal
o Brain and spinal cord affected: hindlimb weakness/ataxia/tremor/paresis/paralysis - Maedi form: respiratory form + mastitis and arthritis + 2 bacterial infections
How to diagnose and control Maedi-Visna
- Dx: Agar gel immunodiffusion test/western blot/ RTPCR
- Control: avoid feeding colostrum but virus may have transplacental mechanisms
What type of virus is caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus
Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis
* Lentivirus
What animals are affected by caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus and how is it transmitted
- Mainly goats (also sheep)
- Transmit: colostrum and milk
What are the 4 clinical/pathological manifestations of caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus
- Clinically: most subclinical – 20% develop into progressive/untreatable dz
o Poly arthritis – adult
Swelling around carpus +/- pain and thickening around joints (proliferative and fibrinous synovitis)
Synovial membrane – edema/hypertrophy/fibrosis/mineralization/necrosis
Multinucleated syncytia
o CNS: Encephalomyelitis – kids
Hind limb paralysis/head pressing
Invade into white matter
Lesions: perivascular cuffing/destruction of myelin/discoloured spinal cord and brain/accumulation of mononuclear cells/meningitis
o Indurative mastitis (hard udder due to lymphocytic infiltration) = reduced milk production
o Chronic interstitial pneumonia
What cell types are targeted by caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus
- Target: macrophage/DC/synovial membrane cells
How to diagnose and control caprine arthritis and encephalitis virus
- Dx:
o Clinically: young (encephalitis + ataxia and inability to adduct hindlimbs)
If older: arthritis, weight loss, and poor hair coat
o Path: lymphopenia if chronically infected/marked pleocytosis in CSF/red tinges synovial fluid with high mononuclear cell count
Also western blot radioimmunoassay/virus isolation/RTPCR/IHC - Control: no cure/vx
o Prevent vertical transmission via colostrum and milk
o If you get 2 negative tests (AGID) 6 months apart = animal negative
Another name for orf
Contagious Ecthyma/Orf
HHow is orf transmitted, what species does it target, and what type of virus is it
- Target: sheep and goats (also alpaca/muskox/big horned sheep/dogs) – zoonotic
o High risk for farmers, abattoir workers, vets, shearers - Poxviridae – parapox virus – orf virus
o enveloped - Replicate in epithelial cells (in localized lesions
- Transmit: cut/abrasion – resistant to the enviro because the keratin of the skin protects them
incubation period for orf
- Incubation 2-3d
What are the clinical signs of orf
- Clinically: resolve in 4 weeks – high morbidity and low mortality
o Initial papules/pustules/vesicles with inflammation and ulceration – progress to thick brown scabs - Path: target organ (skin/mucosa) – mouth/nose/eyes/eyelid/feet/udder/perineum
What are histo changes of orf
- Histo:
o Cells (epitheliotropic virus/epidermal keratinocyte)
o Leading to ballooning degeneration of epithelial cells
o Replicated in the cytoplasm – intracytoplasmic inclusions (pox virus)
How to control orf
- Vaccine: vaccines will induce classical lesions of the disease…
o Shed virus
o Vaccine can infect humans
o Doesn’t produce long lasting immunity
What type of virus is blue tongue? What species does it target
* Reoviridae – obivirus – bluetongue virus
o Many strains (27)
* Target: sheep/cattle/deer/goat/camelid – sheep most severe, cattle – main reservoir
How is bluetongue transmitted and where?
- Transmit: Culicoides midges (biting midget) – late summer and fall, can carry virus long distances
- In tropical regions – emerging in CA due to climate change
What are the clinical signs of blue tongue
- Clinically (sheep): fever/eye and nasal discharge
o Drooling (due to ulcers in mouth)
o Swelling of head and mouth and neck
o Lameness and inflame at coronary band
o Difficulty breathing
o Abortion and developmental abnormalities
o Serotype 8: Cerebellar aplasia – circling/head pressing/staggering - Clinically (deer/goat/cattle) – mild, self-limiting
Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is characterised by progressive clinical
syndromes. What is your approach to control this disease? (3 marks).
1. No cure and no effective vaccines available,
2. Prevent vertical
transmission through milk and colostrum and
- Establish a CAEV free farm-
2 negative AGID tests 6 month apart. Cull the positive animals and keep the negative animals
Against Jaagsiekte disease developing a vaccine is not recommended.
Why? (2 marks)
Answer: Approximately 20 copies of enJSRVs integrated in the sheep
genome. enJSRVs are expressed in sheep reproductive tract→ may induce
autoimmune inflammatory reactions when vaccination is attempted
breaking the tolerance.
What is TRUE relevant to ovine pulmonary
carcinoma/Jaagsiekte disease
a Is caused by a virus belonging to the Reoviridae family
b Can be transmitted by biting midges
c Wheelbarrow test can be used to detect excess fluid in
lungs in some of the sheep with tumors
d Rising antibody titers determined by paired serum
samples are diagnostic
e Dry trachea and nares are suggestive of the disease
Two viruses that can be transmitted via feeding colostrum
a Bovine corona virus and orf virus
b Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BSRV) and blue
tongue virus
c Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and blue tongue virus
d Bovine leukosis virus and caprine arthritis encephalitis
e Bovine herpes virus 1 and Orf virus
What is FALSE relevant to clinical manifestation of caprine
arthritis and encephalitis (CAE) virus infection
a Leads to polyarthritis in adults
b Causes polyarthritis in kids
c Encephalomyelitis is common in kids and adults can be
d Leads to indurative mastitis
e Causes chronic interstitial pneumonia
What is TRUE relevant to orf/ contagious ecthyma
a The causative virus is enveloped and not stable in
the environment
b The causative virus is epitheliotropic
c The vaccines are effective in inducing long lasting
immunity with no side effects
d Primarily affects goats but not sheep
e Due to the narrow host spectrum human infections
are not possible