Lecture 12: Sacraments Flashcards
Define ordinance.
This is the Anabaptist word for a practice which Christ ordained. These are human acts that demonstrate our obedience to Christ.
Where does the word for sacrament originate?
It comes from the Latin word sacrare, meaning “to consecrate”.
Which Latin term did the Donatists believe?
ex opere operantis
Define baptism.
Comes from the Greek word baptizo, which means to wash by plunging into or surrounding with water.
What do the Anabaptists believe about baptism?
It is a human action that is a public witness to an inner-transformation already taken place and an act of obedience towards Christ.
Give the Wainwright’s four possible ways of interpreting infant baptism, if it is an act of faith.
- Absence of any obstacles obstructing grace
- Active faith (possibly given at baptism)
- Alien faith substituted by sponsor/church
- Pledge of the parents
What two things did Aquinas believe impacted the efficaciousness of the sacraments?
- ex opere operato
- the faith of the recipient
The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches teach baptism is what?
Regenerative - meaning freed for sin and the guilt of sin.
Baptism often follows what in Acts?
Confession and repentance
Give the literal definition of ex opere operantis.
By the one working the work
What Latin term indicates the sacraments are effectual in themselves?
ex opere operato
Define sacrament.
A sacrament occurs when a sign (or element) receives the divine Word added to it. Augustine called it the “visible form of an invisible grace”.
Give the literal definition of ex opere operato.
By the work being worked
What did Luther believe gave the sacraments their efficaciousness?
The faith of the recipient, and not that the sacraments were effectual in themselves (ex opere operato).
Sacrament objectivism holds that baptism is what?
A divine, regenerative act
Who argued that infant baptism is the truest baptism?
What did the Donatists believe?
Those priests who recanted the faith should not be allowed to administer sacraments.
What Latin term indicates the sacraments are dependent upon the faith of the person administering them?
ex opere operantis
What word do Anabaptists use in lieu of sacraments?