Lecture 12 - Long Term Potentiation Flashcards
Who was Ivan Pavlov?
-Russian scientist/physiologist interested in digestive enzymes
-he wanted to see which foods would create salvary enzymes in dogs
What experiment did Pavlov do?
-operation on dogs –> inserted a tube in their cheek, connect it to a beaker and measure the salvation of the dogs in response to food
-realized that after a few experiments, the beaker started filling up before they were presented with food (anticipation)
What are the possible neuronal pathways explaining why the dogs drool in anticipation?
-food itself will evoke the salivary response (this pathway [food –> drool] is built into dogs)
-being brought to the test lab could also cause anticipation
-recognizing that the lab assistant often brings food
-Pavlov taught the dog to respond to the bell (would ring it right before or at the same time as food came out)
Which pathways were the best indicators of food?
-dogs realized that they were not always fed in the test lab and by lab assistant (not reliable indicators; synapses weakened; LTD)
-the bell is the strongest association (because every time the bell was rang, the dog got food) –> synapse to drool neuron becomes stronger (LTP)
How would extinction work in this experiment?
-if Pavolv kept ringing the bell and didn’t feed the dog, the dog would eventually stop drooling to the bell
-extinction: undoing an association that they had made (new learning)
What is LTP and LTD?
-LTP: long-term potentiation (stimulating synapse enough over time increases the strength of the synapse) [mainly studied in hippocampus and cortex]
-LTD: long-term depression
How do we measure how much excitation we get in the post-synaptic neuron when the Glu neuron is stimulated?
-excitatory synapse in hippocampus or cortex
-put a stimulating electrode in the Glu pre-synaptic neuron and put a recording electrode in the post-synaptic neuron;
-the recording electrode is looking at excitatory post-synaptic potentials
What happens when there is medium frequency stimulation?
-stimulate excitatory pre-synaptic neuron, and the post-synaptic neuron would show normal depolarizations of the membrane or normal EPSPs
-normal response no matter how much you stimulate it
What happens when there is high frequency stimulation (tetanus)?
-eventually, there is a much greater depolarization of the post-synaptic membrane
-putting it away for a day or week and doing medium frequency doesn’t change anything, still get this exaggerated potentiated response
-this is potentiation
What is the concept of LTP?
-if you repeatedly give a high-frequency stimulus to pre-synaptic neuron –> get potentiated response even at lower frequencies in the post-synaptic neuron
What are the 2 things that are argued about LTP?
-effectiveness of the synapse to cause a post-synaptic neuron to fire can be changed with higher stimulus
-we consider this whole thing a form of neuroplasticity because different synapses can take over who fires where
What is neuroplasticity?
-idea that LTP occurs and that we can strengthen or weaken synapses in the brain
-and neurons themselves can change their shape, grow new connections
-idea that our brain is constantly reshaping itself
-a lot of this is function of learning
What happens when the food neuron binds to the drool neuron, according to the Pavlov pathway?
-where the food neuron binds, there are AMPA receptors
-when the food neuron fires, the drool one always fires –> Glu input into post-synaptic drool neuron is highly excitatory, enough so that it’ll reach threshold and fire
-when food is presented, the post-synaptic membrane of drool neuron becomes depolarized (goes from -70 to -40 or higher)
Does the drool neuron fire as a result of the bell neuron?
-bell neuron has some Glu but not enough to make the whole drool neuron fire (less important input)
-the synapse where the bell neuron binds has NMDA and AMPA receptors
What is the whole process after the bell rings?
-bell rings,
-neuron fires,
-releases Glu into synapse,
-Glu binds to AMPA and NMDA receptors causing all of the receptors to open,
-but no ions flow through NMDA receptors (because Mg2+ is stuck in the channel),
-Na+ flows in and K+ flows out through AMPA receptors,
-nothing really happens with NMDA receptors (silent receptors), [to make sure we don’t get overstimulated by irrelevant information],
-bell is not that relevant to drooling