Lecture 12 Flashcards
What are some advantages of physiological assessments?
Don’t require active cooperation or cognitive ability
Are not affected by patient attention or motivation
Are objective
Are reliable and repeatable
Can help narrow down site of lesion
Can be fast
What do acoustic immittance measures do?
What are they affected by most?
Set of objective measures of middle ear function
Based on how energy flows through the OF and ME
Determined by the acoustic and mechanical properties of the OE and ME
Affected by mass and stiffness of TM, ossicles, stapes footplate in cochlea
What are mass and stiffness of the ear related to?
Air pressure in ME relative to outside the ear - ET function
Ability of the TM to move optimally:
- Fluid in the ME, status of the TM (normal, perforated, tense, floppy, retracted)
- Status of the ossicles (normal to malformed; too stiffly or too loosely connected)
Pressure of cochlear fluid on the stapes (entire chain may become stiff)
When measuring acoustic immittance with an immittance meter or ME analyzer, what 3 components does the probe unit have?
- Mini loudspeaker to produce a probe tone
- Microphone to measure the SPL of the reflected energy
- Air pressure pump to change the pressure in the canal
What does the probe do in acoustic immittance?
Sends a signal (226Hz), seeing how much is bouncing back - how much its’ making through into middle ear system
Reflex - measuring bounce back too, seeing if that changes - stapedius muscle, how much is reflected back
Changing pressure in ear canal
Measuring reflected back on TM
In the acoustic reflex, what does the middle ear do, the stapedius muscle, and the muscle contraction?
What is the role of the probe?
Middle ear muscle contraction which is elicited by fairly loud sounds
Primary muscle involved is the stapedius muscle - attached to the neck of the stapes
The muscle contraction pulls on the ossicular chain, therefore momentarily decreases the ME admittance
Measured with probe - where muscle is pulling, if it increases impedance of ME system - why you see decrease able to move a certain amount, decreases then reflects less sound back
What are otoacoustic emissions?
Low intensity sounds generated by action of the OHC, measurable as they emanate into the outer ear canal.
Where do the emitted sounds come from in the OAE?
Nonlinear systems: add spectral components not in original input
Movement of OHC’s cause distortions in the BM and lead to sound production
How common are spontaneous OAE’s?
Present in about half of normal-hearing ears
What two tests can elicit OAE’s?
Click train - transient evoked, showing response of entire BM. (BBN - use tones for frequency responses)
2 tones close in f - distortion product, showing response at 2f1-f2 (results in a third tone). This is close to f2.
- two tones introduced, it creates reaction on 3rd spot on BM - which is a shorter, more readable sound that can be measured. Can change which frequencies are put in to see different areas of BM and OHC
What information do OAE add?
Knowing whether or not something is conductive
Differentiate between cochlear/retrocochlear
Adds more to diagnostic picture
Knowing something without doing anything more - that loss isn’t more than 30dB
Frequencies below 1000Hz - noise more with low frequency - noise obscures measure more
What are DPOAE’s present and absent in?
What frequencies are hard to assess?
Present in: Normal ears, ears with cochlear hearing loss up to about 30dBHL (TEOAE’s) or 50dBHL (DPOAE’s)
Absent in: ears with cochlear loss > above-noted levels, ears with conductive loss
Frequencies below 1kHz are hard to assess
What is an important thing for the client to do while doing a DPOAE?
Quiet subject - responses are very small amplitude and not visible in noise
What can TEOAE tell us?
About hearing loss, lack of hearing loss it if works, don’t get it, can’t tell if it’s conductive, noise…
What is seen on a graph of a DPOAE?
Trace will follow shape of someone’s loss - look at hearing frequencies of loss for individual
Want response above noise (anything obscuring response); if in noise, can’t tell if its’ OHC problem…