Lecture 11: Social and Emotional Development in Adolescence Flashcards
How do we study Emotional Development?
Researchers track adolescents’ feelings using experience sampling and daily diaries, and both confirm adolescents’ high emotional volatility
What is experience sampling?
Using experience sampling, they asked adolescents to carry electronic pagers that beeped at random intervals, and to report on how they were feeling when the pager went off
What are the daily diaries EMTHOD?
In this method, teens rate emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness, and anxiety over several days or weeks is another common way to assess adolescents’ emotional experiences from day to day and across longer time frames.
What is emotional reactivity on adolescences?
During adolescence, higher intensity of emotions and emotions fluctuate
more frequently
What is Emotional Valence?
How often adolescents experience positive and negative emotions, and how their emotions change with age
Most adolescent’s cope fairly well, but how do the other adolescents cope?
Internalizing problems: by directing their negative thoughts and feelings inward, which may lead to depression and low self-worth.
Externalizing problems, by directing their negative feelings outwards, in the form of aggression.
What is Adolescent Depression?
Negative symptoms that are experienced nearly every day, including depressed mood, diminished interest and pleasure in activities, social withdrawal, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleep, fatigue or loss of energy, diminished concentration, recurrent thoughts of death, and feelings of worthlessness
**Adolescents are vulnerable to depression
What are the Sex differences in depression?
Female adolescents show higher scores on depressive symptoms than do male adolescents, with sex differences maintaining and even increasing over the past three decades.
Why do such sex differences exist?
1.One possibility is that male adolescents are less inclined than female adolescents to seek treatment for psychological problems, leading to lower rates of diagnosis
- Female adolescents experience higher rates of cyberbullying and use mobile phones more than do male adolescents, which can produce symptoms of depression
Treating depression?
Cognitive behavior therapy—an approach that focuses on a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—is effective for treating mild to moderate depression
A family-systems approach, working with the adolescent, parents, and other family members to facilitate change
What is self regulation?
Self-regulation refers to the purposeful control of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
What is Delay discounting tasks?
In a classic delay discounting task, an immediate and small monetary reward is pitted against a delayed, larger monetary reward, much like the delay-of-gratification marshmallow task introduced in
What is risk taking in adolescents?
Decision making that has potentially harmful consequences
It follows an inverted U-shaped pattern: It increases during early adolescence, peaks in middle and late adolescence, and then declines in adulthood
What is sensation seeking?
Sensation seeking is the pursuit of novel, intense, and varied experiences
Adolescents show higher sensation seeking than do children and adults, based on their responses to questions such as, “I like doing things just for the thrill of it”
How are risk-taking and
sensation-seeking assessed?
- Surveys (ask teens
themselves) - Behavioural tasks
* Balloon analogue risk task
* Simulated driving tasks - Real world outcomes