Lecture 11 - Role of Pathology in Diagnosis and Management of Neoplastic Disease Flashcards
What does a pathologist do?
- a person who examines and provides reports on specimens from living people
- a medically qualified prison who specialises in pathology as a postgraduate subject
- a person who does post mortems
A knowledge of pathology helps to explain…
the clinical features and natural history of most common diseases
- in order to understand changes in disease tissues, one needs to know about normal tissues biology
- also important for prognosis and treatment
What 4 things are involved in the role of pathology in the diagnosis and management of neoplastic disease?
- understanding tumour pathology and pathological assessments
- types of specimens received
- techniques used: gross/microscopic, immunohistochemistyr, molecular biology
- pathology as a clinical discipline (including MDT meetings)
Why is an understanding of tumour pathology important? x3
- clinical presentation and natural history
- terms used to classify neoplasms and their clinic relevance
- treatment options
Describe briefly 3 differences between benign and malignant lumps
Benign = smooth, well circumscribed and mobile Malignant = irregluar, poorly-defined, may be fixed to adjacent tissues
Clinical assessment of breast lumps:
- describe a fibroadenoma
- describe a breast carcinoma
Fibroadenoma - commonest benign breast neoplasm - mostly occur in younger women - smooth, well circumscribed, highly mobile of palpation Breast carcinoma - commonest malignant breast neoplasm - mostly occur in older women - irregular, poorly circumscribed, rarely mobile on palpation (due to local invasion)
How can neoplasms be classified in terms of their origin/differentiation?
- most malignant neoplasms are epithelial
- most benign neoplasms are mesenchymal
In which layer do majority of colonic neoplasms arise and why?
glandular epithelium of mucosa
- in contract with a high conc of carcinogens
- high turnover of cells, susceptible to mutations affecting dividing cells
How does clinical presentation differ in colon carcinomas arising the cecum/ascending colon and in the signmoid colon?
Cecum/ascending colon
- often polypoid
- rarely cause bowel obstruction
- incidiuous presentation e.g. anaemia, weight loss
Sigmoid colon
- often stenosing
- frequently cause bowel obstruction or paradoxical diarrhoea
What are the 3 types of specimens that can be obtained for pathological assessment?
- Biopsies
- endoscopic biopsies e.g. GI tract, bronchus
- needle biopsies (radiologically guided)
- punch biopsies e.g. skin - Cytology specimens (cells)
- smears e.g. cervical
- endoscopic brushings
- body fluids
- fine needle aspiration specimens - Surgical resection specimens
What is the main role of biopsies and cytology specimens?
- mainly taken to confirm a diagnosis of malignant and identify histological type
- information used to plan further treatment
What are the limitations of biopsying tumours?
- tumour heterogeneity
- targeting the lesion accurately: small lesions, inaccessible, surrounding stromal reaction e.g. pancreatic cancer
What is the advantage and disadvantage of cytology specimens?
- less invasive
- fine needles are much thinner
- may provide access to sites not suitable for biopsy e.g. pancreas
- smaller tissue samples provided, interpretation may be more difficult than larger specimens obtained using biopsy
What are the surgical resection specimens used for?
- surgery is intended to be a definitive treatment for cancer, or palliative in some cancers
Pathological Assessments are used to: - confirm diagnosis of malignancy
- determine the aggressiveness of a tumour (grading)
- assess the extent of spread (staging)
- examine completeness of excision
This info can be used to determine further treatment e.g. adjuvant chemotherapy
Describe the TMN staging method
T = tumour - size and or extent of spread of primary lesion N = nodes - extend of spread to lymph nodes M = metastases - presence/absence of distant metastases