Lecture 11: Motor 1: Chapter 21 Flashcards
What is parkinson spectrum? What is the most common disease in this spectrum?
A group of progressive neurodegenerative diseases which involve various motor symptoms
Parkinson’s disease is most common
What is a different name for parkinson spectrum?
Hypokinetic-rigid syndrome
What are 2 types of parkinson spectrum disease?
- Parkinson’s disease
- Atypical Parkinsonism
What are the 2 categories of causes of Parkinson’s disease and how prevalent are they?
- Familial: 15%
- Idiopathic: 85% (unknown cause)
What are 6 types of atypical Parkinson?
- Drug-induced (secondary)
- Vasculary Parkinson (secondary)
- Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
- Cortico-basal degeneration (CBD)
- Lewy Body dementia (DLB)
- Progressive supranuclear paralysis (PSP)
What are the 3 main differences between typical PD and atypical PD?
- Atypical has more rapid progression, shorter survival time and more prominent and earlier cognitive deterioration
- More limited reaction to specific drugs in atypical
- In the initial stage of atypical PD it’s hard to differentiate between variants
What is secondary parkinson and which 2 diseases are good examples of that?
Parkinsonian symptoms as a result of other abnormalities/damage
Vascular parkinson and drug induced parkinson
What is the prevalence of PD worldwide? How does it differ per gender?
7-10 million people worldwide
1,5x more diagnosed in males than females. However it’s more severe in females
Why does the incidence of Parkinson increase? (3)
- Aging population
- Increased life expectancy
- Industrialization/pollution
When is the typical onset of Parkinson?
50-70, but sometimes also younger
Why is drug-induced parkinson quite different from the other types?
Because when the intake of drugs stops, the symptoms often disappear, simply because there is no neurodegeneration.
However, this is not the case if people take these drugs for a very long time.
What is often the first symptom in atypical Parkinson?
Cognitive decline, later motor symptoms
What are the 4 motor symptoms of Parkinson and how many should be present to get the diagnosis?
- Bradykinesia/hypokinesia/
akinesia - Rigidity
- Rest tremor
- Postural instability
Symptom 1 must be present + at least one other symptom
What is the difference between akinesia, hypokinesia and bradykinesia?
Akinesia: when movement can’t eb started immediately after command
Hypokinesia: decreased bodily movements, limited facial expression
Bradykinesia: slow movements
What is rigidity as a symptom?
TIghtness and soreness of muscles. Movements are stiff and jerky, sometimes robot like
What is the cogwheel phenomenon?
Stiff and jerky robot like movements in parkinson due to rigidity
What is rest tremor?
Tremor present only if the part of the body doesn’t move
What is postural instability? When does this symptom arise in Parkinson? And in atypical Parkinson?
Forward bent posture often combined with poor movements resulting in falling.
Arises late in the course of the disease
Atypical: earlier onset
What percentage of people with parkinson report sleep problems? Explain why this can happen
- Medication
- Motor/non-motor symptoms
Why do people with parkinson experience loss of smell (hyposmia)?
Because the orbitofrontal cortex, olfactory center, is one of the first regions to deteriorate
What are 4 non-motor symptoms?
- Fatigue/sleep disorders
- Loss of smell/pain
- Autonomic disorders
- Neuropsychiatric & cognitive impairment
What is dystonia?
Persistent muscle contractions
When can you be certain which type of Parkinson it is?
Post mortem. Before that you’ll never know for certain, especially not in the beginning
What is a typical symptom of MSA (Muscle system atrophy)?
Strongly forward-bent posture and decreased balance, severe speech disorders. These patients are often soon wheelchair dependent
What are typical symptoms of PSP (progressive supranuclear paralysis)?
Straight/backbend posture, impairments in eye movements, disinhibition and emotional instability
What are typical symptoms of CBD (cortico-basal degeneration)?
Results in cognitive problems (aphasia, apraxia), strong asymmetrical parkinsonism