Lecture 11: Menstrual and Uterine Disorders Flashcards
Primary amenorrhea is classified by absence of menses by age () with impaired sexual development, or by age () with normal sexual development.
- Age 13 if impaired development.
- Age 15 if development was normal.
The MCC of primary amenorrhea is…
Abnormal chromosomes leading to gonadal dysgenesis.
Ovarian insufficiency
Absence of menses for > 3 cycles or 6 consecutive months in a previously menstruating patient is known as…
Secondary amenorrhea
The MCC of secondary amenorrhea is…
Postpastum pituitary necrosis due to hypovolemia and leading to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction/amenorrhea is known as…
Sheehan’s syndrome
Premature ovarian failure occurs prior to the age of…
Menopause prior to 40.
T/F: PCOS can cause amenorrhea
Mullerian dysgensis is congenital absence of the () and the upper 2/3 of the ()
- Uterus
- Upper 2/3 of vagina
However, can still ovluate and have normal 2ndary sex characteristics
Uterine adhesions are usually due to …
Asherman’s syndrome
Dilation and curettage
In a patient showing primary amenorrhea with Positive 2deg sex characteristics, the labs you would order are… (1)
Pregnancy test
In a patient showing primary amenorrhea with negative 2deg sex characteristics, the labs you would order are… (4)
- Prolactin
- LH
In a patient showing primary amenorrhea with negative 2deg sex characteristics, and elevated LH/FSH, you would expect their ovaries to ()
Not produce estrogen!
Ovarian failure
In a patient showing primary amenorrhea with negative 2deg sex characteristics, and low LH/FSH, the next step in workup is…
MRI of the brain
The 3 labs you would order initially for workup of secondary amenorrhea are….
- Pregnancy test (MCC!)
- Prolactin
Abnormal TSH = thyroid dz
Abnormal prolactin = pituitary imaging
A progesterone challenge test that shows bleeding means the () is intact but progesterone is lacking.
Workup of secondary amenorrhea
In an estrogen + progesterone challenge test, lack of bleeding suggests that the endometrium is either () or ()
Unresponsive or blocked.
Bleeding = suspect hypogonadism
The presence of high FSH/LH with amenorrhea pretty much means…
Primary ovarian failure
The ovaries are not responding properly.
The presence of low FSH/LH with amenorrhea usually means () ovarian failure
Pituitary is not releasing a proper amt
A patient with secondary amenorrhea has a negative pregnancy test, Normal TSH/Prolactin, and a Progesterone challenge test with no bleed. The next test to run is… ()
Estrogen Progesterone challenge test
The main hormone responsible for growing the endometrium is..
I think? Im p sure? I hope?
In a patient suffering from amenorrhea that desires to get pregnant, the two pharmacologics we could suggest are…
- Letrozole/Femara (aromatase inhibitor)
- Clomiphene citrate/clomid (SERM)
A woman with amenorrhea that does not desire to get pregnant should be put on… ()
Combination to maintain bones, reduce atrophy, menopausal s/s
The MC type of dysmenorrhea is…
Primary dysmenorrhea (idiopathic)
Painful menstruation that inhibits normal activity and requires medication is known as..
The primary hormone? associated with dysmenorrhea is…
Prostaglandins during ovulation
The hallmark symptom of dysmenorrhea is…
Generally, dysmenorrhea pain begins () relative to menses onset and recurs with () menstrual cycles
- Begins at onset/1-2 days prior
- Recurs with most/all menstrual cycles
Physical pelvic exam of dysmenorrhea will usually show…
No significant pelvic disease.
First line pharm treatment for dysmenorrhea
NSAIDs (Naproxen/Advil)
Reduce prostaglandins.
Take prior or at onset of S/S.
The first line NON-pharm tx for dysmenorrhea is…
Continuous heat to abdomen
Same efficacy as advil, better than tylenol
Erythema ab igne can occur in dysmenorrhea because…
Chronic use of heat pads
Toasted skin syndrome
A patient suffering from dysmenorrhea tries NSAIDs and heat, which both don’t work. You should now suggest…
Contraceptives (oral or IUDs)
The highest incidence of PMS and PMDD occurs between the ages of…
late 20s to early 30s
PMS becomes PMDD when there is clear…
Functional impairment
The primary non-pharm tx for mild-mod PMS/PMDD include changing (), () therapy, and supplements, specifically ()
- Changing eating habits (complex carbs, avoid caffeine/chocolate/alcohol/salt)
- Chasteberry
Cyclic edema in PMS/PMDD can be treated with…
The primary use of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, in PMS/PMDD is for…
Breast pain
For more severe PMS/PMDD, the first-line treatment is…
Second-line tx for more severe PMS/PMDD is…
Hormonal contraceptives containing drospirenone
Yaz, Yasmin, Beyaz
For PMS/PMDD that is severe and refractory to SSRIs and hormones, our last resort is to use (meds) or definitive (surgery)
- GnRH agonists (medical menopause)
- Definitive: Bilateral oophorectomy +/- hysterectomy
You would expect endometrial cells in a postmenopausal patient to be an abnormal finding unless they were currently taking…
Generally, contact bleeding/postcoital bleeding is suggestive of ()
Cervical cancer
A transvaginal US needs be performed with a () bladder
Empty bladder
Typically, the initial imaging for evaluating dysfunctional uterine bleeding would be a….
Pelvic US
The gold standard for evaluating dysfunctional uterine bleeding is…
In a pre-menopausal patient with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, no serious pathology, and no impact of QOL, we would recommend either () or ()
- Observation
- Hormone therapy
In a premenopausal patient with an active uterine hemorrhage, the TOC is…
IV estrogen
Definitive tx of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in a premenopausal woman is…
T/F: A postmenopausal patient with 12 months of amenorrhea that now presents with dysfunctional uterine bleeding needs investigation.
The MCC of postmenopausal uterine bleeds is…
Exogenous hormones
The MCC of a lower GU tract postmenopausal bleed is…
Vaginal atrophy
The primary differences between first and 2nd gen endometrial ablations is that 2nd gen does not require () and takes () time
- 2nd gen does not require direct hysteroscopic guidance
- Also 2nd gen is faster
A majority of patients will experience () menstrual flow after an endometrial ablation
Decreased menstrual flow
The primary contraindication to endometrial ablation is…
Patient wants kiddos later
Very dangerous to have kids after this
Also you cant do this if theyre currently pregnant lol
T/F: you need pre-op abx before an endometrial ablation